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'What the hell, Adam?' Julie says mind linking, but she glares at him. She is happy that her friend is happy and she had hoped to be able to spend time with her, which means with her boyfriend as well.

'Townsend is the local werewolf Alpha. From what I'm seeing your friend is his mate.'

Mike has taken a defensive stand in front of Margo. She was just as happy with Mike's attitude as Julie is with Adam's.

Julie narrows her eyes, 'You will get along with him or we will have problems. Now that I am able to talk to my friend again I want to keep in contact with her and that means him too.'

Adam looks at Julie with incredulity, vampires and werewolves aren't friends. They aren't really enemies at least not right now, but what she wants from him... He looks at her and sees her determination and sighs. He'll swallow his dislike and do his best to get along with the alpha.

"Forgive my rudeness Mr. Townsend. You have a lovely girlfriend."

Mike looks at his love and swallows his pride as well, "Your girlfriend is lovely as well. Margo has talked about her a great deal. I am glad that I've finally met her."

Margo motions for Julie to move away and let the two deal with each other.

Once the girls are out of hearing range Adam sighs, "I'm sure that Julie will forget to get Margo's number. Take this and call me with her number when you have time. I'm getting Julie a phone after here so I don't have her number yet."

Mike takes the business card that has Adam's personal cell number on it carefully. "The things we do for those we love." Mike mutters under his breath.

"You got that right." Adam replies.

"I never thought you'd settle with a human, Demarco. Last I heard you liked to use them up pretty quick."

Adam smiles softly, "You heard right. Then I met her at a party and she refused to go with me. She was able to not only resist me, but me and my brother both. You've already tasted a bit of her attitude, well she gave it to us both. What can I say, she got me hooked."

"Why is she sporting six marks?"

"She is also girlfriend to my brothers." Adam says softly. "It was the only way I could bring her into the protection of my home."

"You don't share well, Demarco."

"I know, it isn't going to be easy, but I think she's worth it."

Mike looks searchingly at the vampire king, or at least their equivalent. Adam should have been but he dissolved the monarchy and set up the council. The vampires are also the de facto rulers of the supernatural kind.

"Well as long as you are here, I should tell you, there is a large band of rogue wolves that have been attacking the packs. Many of the smaller packs are gone. I don't think we can take them down without help." That admission makes his stomach turn.

It is also enough to get Adam's full attention. "What do you know about them?"

"Not much. Reports vary about how strong they are, we can't get a reading on where to find them. All we have is this design, it acts like a pack sign for them I think."

Mike shows him a picture that looks like an infinity sign that's twisted. "I'll keep an eye out and have my vamps do the same."

"The killings are getting so bad, we're having trouble keeping the humans out of it."

The words make Adam's stomach twist just as much as Mike's did at asking for help. If the supernaturals are outed there will be war between the humans and them. There is no way to tell who would win, and there would be great losses on all sides. He can't allow that to happen.

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