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Alex proves to be far more patient and calm teacher than Aaron had been and Julie was able to relax more. She found that she could easily switch between gears now. Alex even dares to have her go on the road that takes her to a nearby town. He has her practice starting and stopping on the hill that forms a large part of the town.

That is far more tricky but after a couple of hours Julie gets it down pat. She looks at Alex apprehensively.

Alex smiles back at her reassuringly, "I think you've more or less got it. Word of warning, don't drive stick with Adam until you are more comfortable with it. Hell, if you can avoid driving with him in the car period it will be best."

"Not a very patient passenger, I take it?" Julie asks nervously.

Alex shakes his head, "Not really. Although, when it comes to you he has far more patience than I've ever seen him have. Are you ready to talk about what happened this morning between you two?"

"He asked me to reserve Sunday for him. I told him I will, but if he leaves again then we won't be having Monday together. He didn't like that. I don't like being left either. He doesn't have to take care of everything. Aaron could have handled the issue Monday. Instead he left and instead of the one hour he promised he was gone more than four. If the problem is more important than me, that's fine, I understand. But if he lets the problem be more important than me because he's a bloody control freak and doesn't want anyone else to deal with it, that's not okay."

"I see," Alex can see where she is coming from. Adam made it very clear that she is to be protected, but who is going to protect her from him?

"Adam has been in charge for a very long time. He was supposed to be king, did you know that?" Alex wants to know if she has any history about vampires.

"No, I know that he's head of the council or whatever."

"When our father wanted to retire he made Adam King. Adam didn't like having all the weight of ruling so he abolished the monarchy and established the council. He's president or head of the council, each of us are members." Julie nods, that much she knew. 

"Each of the supernatural peoples have a representative, some have more, like the werewolves. They all have a voice, but in the end he makes the final decision. 

"Adam isn't used to delegating. He was born to rule and lead and that's what he does. When there is a threat to his power in any way he deals with it."

"Part of being a good leader is knowing when to trust your people enough to delegate. If you don't you might as well be a tyrant." Julie says more than a little bitterly. She's fairly certain that Aaron was more than able to deal with whatever issue had come up. Hell she's willing to bet that Arthur could have dealt with it. He trusts Arthur to run that company then he should trust him to keep it safe.

"You're right, Jewel. Alex would you give us a few minutes?" Adam says coming over to where the two were speaking.

Alex immediately goes into the kitchen. He needs to get their lunch anyway.

"Forgive me, Julie. I over reacted this morning. I shouldn't have left you Monday. I have broken my promises about your lesson. Mostly because I'm scared."

Julie scoffs, "What do you have to be scared about? You're the big scary monster parents warn their kids about."

"I'm scared that I'll lose control and end up hurting you. What I'll be teaching you will take all my control to hold back. I don't want to hurt you, my brothers will kill me if I do, but mostly I don't want to see you cry because of me. I've seen you hurt too many times to want to do that to you."

"Yeah, whatever," Julie scoffs not buying it for a minute.

"Yeah, I mean it. I want to speak to you about something, but not when you are angry with me." Adam says and lightly runs his fingers over her cheeks. "Will you come find me before you go to sleep tonight?"

Julie shrugs, "I don't know. Will you be here? As far as I know you'll be out hunting or out dealing with emergencies."

"I'll let you know if I leave. Please come talk to me?" Adam finds himself begging her again. She's the only female he's ever known that could make him beg.

"If you are here, I'll listen to you." Julie gives in. She doesn't like being angry with Adam, it doesn't feel right.

"Thank you," Adam leans down and kisses her. He breaks off as he hears Alex returning. 

"Have fun," Adam says leaving as Alex comes up.

Julie doesn't say anything and just watches him leave.

"Do you like horseback riding?" Alex asks coming up to her.

"I don't know, I've never had the chance to go."

"Well, we could go now or go for a hike, if you prefer?" Alex gives her the option not wanting to get her upset again after making things up with Adam.

"We can go now?" Julie looks at Alex excitedly. She's always wanted to try it, but money was too tight.

"Of course, did you pack a swimsuit?" 

"Yes, and clothes and a towel. I left my bag by the front door, I'll just run and get it." Julie takes off to get her bag and Alex watches her go. It's a good thing the waterfall he is taking her to is from snow melt and very cold. He doesn't know if he wants her to have her own horse of have her share with him. 

He decides to let her make that decision. She's far too independent to have him make that choice for her, she'll get angry again. 

"Ready," Julie says returning shortly with her bag.

"Then let's go. Get on my back and I'll run us to the stables. They're about half a mile away from the main house."

Julie doesn't hesitate and climbs onto his back. As soon as she's settled he takes off.

Once at the stables Julie decides that she'll ride with Alex this time. He helps her place the reins correctly in her hand and makes sure that she doesn't fall. She doesn't mind him holding her to him either.

She loves the waterfall and changes into her swim wear immediately. She feels how cold it is and slowly enters the water. 

They stay at the waterfall for hours. Finally they pack it up and head back to the house. Julie is very relaxed and happy. It's been some time since she had such fun. 

She had had fun with Aaron, but it wasn't like this. There was no tension between them and some tension knots that she's had for years finally start to relax. 

That all went away when she saw who was waiting for her when she gets back.

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