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Julie once more finds herself on Adam's back. Adam had ordered his two men to make sure the girls get home safely. 

Adam hadn't liked how that bitch, Judy looked at Alex. He could practically see her licking her lips in anticipation, like a cat about to pounce on it's meal.

He turns his attention away and has Brian lead the way to his friend's house.

They find the door broken. They enter slowly and find blood and broken furniture.

The friend is breathing but just barely. The rest of the family is dead and the smell of rogues is strong in the house. At least they were spared being turned into rogues, the very creatures they hunted.

"Go gather whatever weapons you can," Adam tells him gently. Brian nods sadly.

Adam goes to the nearly dead boy. He gives him his blood and when the boy looks at him he gives him the same choice as Brian. Like Brian he chooses to become vampire. Adam hides his triumph.

He kills the venom of the rogue and bites the boy.

He can see the blood lust in the boy's eyes once he wakes as a vampire. "Brian, we need to go."

"What is you name?" Adam demands.

"Cyril, but my friends call me, Cirry." The vampire finds his attention grabbed by Adam.

"I know it's painful for you, Cyril and Brian, but I'll take you to get fed as soon as you are ready to leave. 

"This is Julie, she is mine! She is also my brothers' girlfriend. She is hands off, but you will guard her with your lives."

"Yes, sir!" They both say, and practically salute.

Cyril goes around to his family and says his goodbyes. He grabs a few things then nods that he is ready. Brian had already grabbed most of the weapons.

"I have to fire the house, Cyril. We can't have humans finding this." Adam tells him.

"I know," Cyril says and watches as the Demarco boys set fire to the home he spent the last two decades in.

The Demarco brothers bow their heads in respect. Julie is crying at the loss they both suffered. It's obvious that Brian considered Cyril's family as his own.

"Brian, do you want to tell your family goodbye as well?" Adam asks him gently.

"My family was killed by rogues five years ago." Brian tells him woodenly.

"We will be going after the rogues next week. If you both can prove that you can control your blood lust, I will allow you to join in."

This garners Adam the attention of them all.

"So it's final then?" Alex asks Adam.

Adam looks at the house as it goes up in flames. His face is set and grim. "They are trying to out the supernaturals to humans. It's set." Adam is just satisfied that hunter families don't like attention and so they don't have any near neighbors.

As the roof falls in, "We need to go now." They all nod and Julie climbs onto Adam's back.

The run back seems to Julie to take hours. She knows that in reality it was less than half an hour, but still. Her heart is breaking for the two young hunters and the loss that she knows they are feeling.

Adam immediately takes them to the kitchen and has them drink from the blood stored there. He doesn't trust them with live donors until they can control themselves.

Just as they are about to relax, Adam is drinking the last of his own blood breakfast, they hear someone calling for Adam.

Adam sighs and has Julie get on his back. His brothers, curious, follow them out.

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