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At the electronics store Adam tells her to get whatever she wants. She chooses her laptop and the one for her friend rather quickly, but Adam notices her staring at the large or rather giant screen television.

When he finds out that she wants to turn the little used back living room into a movie/game room he approves. In short order he gets the giant screen television, the top surround sound system and the top of the line blue ray player. He also picks up a few new games for the various gaming systems that they own. He figures at least Azlo will appreciate that.

While he's making arrangements on delivery for the laptop to Margo and everything else and the set up at their home, Julie looks at the phones.

She decides on seven of them. She'll keep one then get one for each of the brothers.

"Why are you getting seven phones, love?" Adam doesn't mind, he just never thought she'd do something so excessive.

"I'm getting one for each of you plus the one you want me to get for myself." Julie says pleased.

"You do know that we don't need phones since we are mind linked now?" Adam whispers to her making her shiver.

"Hmm, yes, but there might be times when you'll need it. Besides this way I'll have each of your numbers. I always wanted a boyfriend that had a dedicated phone just for me. I don't want any other numbers in those phones but mine."

"Not even each other?" Adam is amused, but willing to play along.

"I'll have to think about that. But this way if the phone rings you'll know it's important."

"I'll be sure to answer if that phone rings." 

Adam wants her to have certain numbers in her phone and so starts imputing them. He asks the manager if they have any batteries that are fully charged that he could buy for their phones now.

After paying large amounts of money for the fast delivery of the items he bought and the extra already charged batteries for their phones they finally head out of the electronics store.

They had taken far longer than Adam had intended and so decides to take her to eat instead of shopping for clothes. Since she isn't dressed up fancy they go to a cafe. Adam has to bite back the comments he wants to make. He's a bit of a food snob when it comes to human food.

But looking at Julie he decides it will be better for him to keep his mouth shut. Julie has never eaten in a fancy restaurant and likes cafe's.

After eating the food he's glad he didn't say anything. The food had been far better than he had expected and Julie was happier than he's ever seen her. Then it's time to go clothes shopping. Instead of the animated look she'd had for the last couple of hours she puts on a blank face.

She has to be the first female he's ever met that didn't look forward to clothes shopping. "I want you to get whatever you want."

"Then no dresses," Julie asks hopefully.

"I'm sorry, but they will be necessary at times." He doesn't like her face falling like that.

"What do you have against dresses anyway?"

"Pants are more, what's the word? Versatile? You can do more with them."

"Would you wear dresses for me on our days together?" Adam asks hopefully.

"Why? What's the big deal about dresses anyway?" When you have to get the most out of your money you get something that is both comfortable and useful. She's never found dresses to be either. She knows that many females would argue with her about that. She doesn't care though. If this is about how she feels then...

"They are more feminine. You act different when you wear a dress than when you wear jeans or sweats." Adam explains patiently.

Julie shrugs, "I am the way I am."

"Please, think about it?" Adam sighs, he didn't think he'd have to beg her to get dresses.

"Let's go do the time so we can get done."

"Go do the time?" Adam asks her puzzled.

"Yeah, clothes shopping is rather like having to do jail time. Especially if you make me do shoe shopping as well." Julie shudders in extreme distaste.

Adam looks at her in fascination. She is so unlike all other females he's ever known.

"I can't walk in heels, just letting you know that in advance." Julie says as she gets up from her chair. Adam is quick to join her and pays for their meal.

He escorts her to the limo and just hopes that he can talk her into getting at least a few dresses. It will be best if she wears one tonight for the symphony.

"I managed to get tickets to the symphony tonight. It would be best if you wore a dress to the concert." He cajoles.

"You just won't give up, will you?" Julie asks exasperated.

"If we can find ones that we both agree to, I will at least try them on. But if I ask you an opinion on how it looks on me, I expect an honest answer, not a white lie to save your ass. It might hurt my feelings but it will hurt me more if you lie to me."

Shit, Adam thinks to himself. Now how's he going to get out of this. He's been on the receiving end of a woman's ire before by telling her the truth when she asked a question about a piece of clothing.

"I know when people lie to me. If you do I'll call Aaron to come and get me and I'll leave." Julie warns Adam with narrowed eyes.

Just how did this day get so bad so quickly? Adam wonders. "I promise I'll give you an honest answer to any question you ask."

Now he prays that she won't ask him that question, but he can tell by her look that she will, just to put him on the spot.

"I won't make you get high, high heels, but you will need to get at least some shoes with height."

Julie snorts, "I thought you didn't want me to get hurt? I can't walk in heels, I'll be on the floor with a twisted or broken ankle in no time." She detests the things and she was thankful she never had a reason to wear them. She flat out refused when her friends tried to force her too. The only time she threatened to not go to a party with them was when they tried to make her wear them.

She was half way out the door when they realized that she hadn't been kidding. After that they apologized and promised that they would never make her or try to make her wear them again.

"At least try them? If you are as hopeless as you say you are or you don't like them I won't make you get them."

Julie looks at him with anger. He's manipulating her again and she hates it.

"I already know that I hate them. I have tried them and want nothing to do with them ever again."

Adam closes his eyes and sighs. "I believe you, but please, just try for me and I promise I'll tell my brothers no to heels so they won't do this to you."

Adam can feel how angry she is about this and won't press her any further. Things went from good back to bad. He wonders if his brothers will have any better luck than he is having.

"Very well, but afterwards we go shopping for the tea service like you promised earlier."

Adam nods quickly too relieved to say anything and is quick to usher her into the store before she changes her mind again.

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