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Adam gathers those that are going to attack the rogue stronghold. They go over the information Travony's men were able to gather.

It takes them several hours to set the plans. Adam is more than a little short tempered by the time they finally finish the plans. If he could have set the plans it would have been faster. Unfortunately he has to involve members of the council which means they have their say as well.

The longest and hardest part had been talking the wolves into possibly accepting rogues that were forced to become rogues or forcefully made. None of the alpha's are happy about that. 

Finally he had to pull the guilt card. "Mike, I saved your luna and pups lives. Julie is the one that requests that we give them a chance. You yourself are the one that told me the smaller packs were killed.

"How many of those wolves were forced to join this one? 

"I know for a fact that they are forcing people to become wolves." Adam is able to stop himself from saying fur ball just in time. He knows that would insult the wolves and make them intractable. Then Julie would kick his ass.

He wonders what she is doing tonight? It's Arthur's turn and he doesn't think that she's forgiven him just yet.

"That's what you want in repayment?" Mike asks incredulous.

"No, it's what Julie wants in payment. If it was up to me we'd just fire the whole damn club and let them try to get out." The idea makes him smile, but they can't because there are humans that go to that club as well. Some are innocent others not so much. It will take talking to each one under command to find out which they are.

"Thank you gentlemen, your report has been invaluable," Adam dismisses the men from Travony. He doesn't think Travony would betray him, but he can't be too careful when it comes to this. Julies life could be affected by traitors telling the rogues.

Those that remain are bound by his command. 

They will be attacking on Wednesday. He still hasn't decided which brother he's going to leave with Julie and which he'll take. He's pretty sure he's going to take the hunter vamps. They have been doing really good at controlling their hunger.

He can see the fires burning in their eyes, the need to kill those that killed their families.

They have taken to the darkness of being vampires like ducks to water.

He hopes that Julie will be able to help them regain a bit of their humanity. Hunters have a high ethical leaning. For them to become what he wants he needs them to have that as vampires as well.

Adam sighs in relief as he is finally able to close the meeting. He needs to get back to the house and feed Julie. The last thing he needs is for her to become weak and sick because he wasn't there to feed the babies. 

He can't wait until they are far enough to find out what they are having. That should be shortly after the graduation birthday party they are throwing for Julie.

That reminds him he needs to check in with Aiden about that.

Just thinking what Aiden did makes his blood boil. He was less than pleased when he made a threesome but adding in the recording.

There is a sound of breaking and he looks at the table. Those that are still in the room look at him with varying degrees of hidden terror. He'd just broken the solid oak table.

He sighs and makes a mental note to have the table replaced in the morning. He needs to pay more attention to the here and now and less to things that are done and over.

Besides if he knows Julie she'll make them both suffer far better than he could.

They come home from the play laughing and joking. The night had gone rather smoothly.

Now it's time for her to have more blood. "Okay it's time for the blood donations once more." Julie is less than pleased about this. Gone are the days of cookies or ice cream for a midnight snack.

Each of the brothers line up to give her the blood she and the babies will need to survive.

As she takes Aaron's blood, he being the last in line she feels arms come around her.

"Adam? I didn't know you were home." Julie turns to smile at him.

Aaron waits to cut his wrist until Julie is ready to drink.

"Just beat you home by minutes actually." Adam nuzzles Julies hair.

Aaron cuts his wrist and Julie takes it. She drinks the blood but she closes her eyes and just smells Adam.

Adam nods to Aaron before taking Julie up in his arms and carrying her to her room.

"Have you thought about staying with me tonight?" He asks as he undoes her dress and helps her take off her necklace. She had worn one of the ones Adam had given her.

"Maybe, I still need your blood though." Julie says stepping away from him as she takes off her dress.

"You look amazing tonight. I wish I could have gone with you. Which play did you go to?"

"Little Shop of Horrors," Julie says laughter evident in her eyes. "They did an excellent job too. I think Arthur was a little upset that I invited the others to go with us though."

"Not that I mind, but how long do you plan on punishing him and Aiden?"

"Until I know that they will never do something like that again. That they will always ask me for permission before they do anything I haven't okayed before."

"Understandable, but I happen to know that Arthur is miserable. I'm not so sure about Aiden, but Arthur is."

"I know, but I'm still not quite ready to forgive him. Some lessons are easily forgotten. I don't want this to be one of them."

"You my love, are a formidable opponent. I would hate to have you in charge of my punishments."

Now she looks at him with wicked lights in her eyes. "Oh, so you don't want me to punish you? Arthur enjoys fantasy play and has asked me to participate."

"You are trying to kill me slowly aren't you, love?" Adam says stalking Julie around her room.

"Now if I did that my children and myself would likely die." Julie says with a laugh as she twirls out of his reach.

Adam pounces on her and pulls her to him before kissing her deeply. "I missed you today."

"Did you get your plans all made?"

"Yeah, they are all set. We'll be going after the rogues on Wednesday. Hopefully we'll be able to take the whole pack down that night.

"Mike Townsend is willing to talk to the rogues that might have been forced to become mutts or that had their pack killed and were forced into the rogue pack. He wasn't happy about it, but I pulled the guilt card and mentioned you and that got him to shut up."

'Thank you.' Julie says silently while kissing the man she loves. She just doesn't know if she has the courage to tell him.

She loves all the brothers, but she realized tonight that she is head over heels in love with Adam.

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