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They spend the rest of the day relaxing by the cliffs. Aaron had brought some pillows along hoping that she would like this option.

"Julie, I know you've talked to Adam about this a bit, but he won't tell us anything. He said that if you want us to know you'll tell us. How long have you parents been abusing you?"

Julie sighs, "Since always, I can't remember a time when they didn't. My earliest memories were of me not being able to play with the other kids because I was too bruised, my arms hurt too badly. Because of the abuse and threats by my parents I never really made friends, but I couldn't tolerate seeing kids bullied at school, so I dealt with the bullies. I learned to fight, because I didn't like being hurt." Julie shrugs, she really doesn't want to talk about it.

"What about you guys? You never talk about your parents. You are blood brothers correct?"

"Yes, we are born, not made. We all have the same parents. It's really rare in the vampire world to have so many children. The only way we can have children is if we find our special one, the vampire version of a mate, or through magic. Our parents are still together after centuries because they are each others special one."

"What are the supernatural species. I know of vampires, of course, and werewolves, but what else is there?"

"There is faeries, which include elves and all other magical beings other than the animals and witches. There are the animals of mythology, most of those are real. Then there are the witches."

"Adam said that there are more than just one kind of witch?" Julie is loving this, she loves learning, not school so much, but learning in general.

"There are the wiccans, most have little to no power, but they are good over all. Then there are the witches of the stories. Some are bad, worse than vampires if you can believe it. It's through them stories of zombies came about. They are the practitioners of the forbidden spells and the ones most likely to call forth the demons. Now those are nasty creatures and damn hard to kill."

"So demons are real? What about angels?"

"Yes to both. Demons will spread destruction and chaos and angels do their best to fight them. They are equally matched, more or less. Us lesser folk do our best to stay out of their way. Angels are okay, but they are rather stuck up creatures and generally don't have the time of day for us." Aaron says, he suspects that at least one angel is listening and wants to tweak their nose a bit.

"Are there any other supernaturals?" Julie thought there would be tons more.

Aaron shrugs, "Variations among the generalities. Gremlins, goblins, etc are part of the demon sect.

"Faeries have elves and sprites, nymphs and naiads and dryads.

"Obviously there are the good or supposedly white witches, wiccans and the dark or black witches, but generally most witches are neutral.

"What more do you want to know about? I can't think of any other supernaturals, but then I am a part of them and keep them separated by type."

"That's good enough I guess. Wait, beside wolves are there other shape shifters?" She always thought it would be cool to shift into a tiger or something like that.

"I've never come across any, but most shifters are shy. Even the wolves unless they are an alpha. So it's not like they would be announcing to the world that they can shift into a cat. Could be cool to have a spy that could shift into a mouse or something like that though."

Julie smiles at his playful tone.

"What did Adam warn you not to talk about?"

"Anything of a sexual nature. He wants to be the one to teach you those things. He also warned all of us to not manipulate you into going further than you want."

Julie is surprised, "Oh, why is that?"

"He would consider it hurting you. You are hands off sexually until you are ready for that."

"Is that why other than the kiss at the school you haven't kissed me?" Julie wants to know. She knows that Adam said that she is a good kisser, but she doesn't know if she can believe him.

"Julie, I can't..." Julie leans up and captures his lips. Aaron takes control of the kiss rapidly. Some time later Aaron pulls back and sits away from her.

"Damn, are you okay, Julie?" Aaron says helping her sit back up.

"Yeah, did I do something wrong?" She can feel his frustration and the distance he put between them isn't just physical.

"No, but it was getting to the point where Adam warned me about. Had I gone past that point he would have killed me. He said that he promised you that he would teach you about kissing and doesn't want any of us to do so." He'd actually threatened them with very painful deaths if they touched her past a certain point.

"Oh, you must be sick of me, Aaron. All of you, all I seem to do is cause problems for you all." Julie looks out over the ocean and fights off the tears of self pity.

"No, it's just remembering the rules when it comes to you. Usually we don't have any except to not kill humans or make sure the body can't have cause of death determined if we do. It's more of a challenge and most vampires love challenges.

"Not succumbing to Adam's command made you a challenge. That's what kept him after you and brought you to my attention. It's why you needed to be marked, other vampires would take on the challenge and they wouldn't have placed rules for your protection."

Julie thinks about his words and just lets the setting sun wash over her.

"We should probably head home now," Aaron says finally as the last rays of the sun were setting. "Should we stop and eat before heading out?"

"Oh, you're probably hungry especially after being in the sun for so long. You can have some of my..." Aaron places his hand over her mouth.

"Don't say it, don't even think it. If you do I will take you up on your offer and I'll be dead. Adam has made it clear to all of us that biting you other than marking you is off limits and considered hurting you. There is no way to get your blood without harming you. I have no wish to die."

"I'm sorry."

Aaron looks at the girl's down cast face, "Don't be sorry for offering to help me. That was a very generous offer and much appreciated. You had no way of knowing the rules so there is no harm done. Come on, we both need food."

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