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Azlo escorts Julie down the stairs for breakfast. The brothers prefer to have one of them be there when she goes up or down. The thought of her falling and hurting herself or losing the children make them sick. 

Julie knowing how clumsy she is and knows that she's getting clumsier doesn't mind too much. She thinks it's sweet that they want to protect her like that. 

She does try to limit her going up and down though, it can get old waiting for one of them to come help her. If they are at her side constantly she feels like she is being baby sat and it makes her short tempered. They've all felt her tongue lashings and none of them want a second one.

Just as they reach the bottom the doorbell rings.

Azlo goes to answer it.

"Delivery for a Miss Thomas," the man says. Azlo signs for it and brings it inside.

"Oh, they're beautiful." Dozens of carnations and roses of various colors, mixed with babies breath. She eagerly searches for a card.

Azlo clears his throat. She looks over to him and sees him holding a card and another package. "These go with the flowers."

"Sorry," Julie says blushing violently. She takes the package and the card. Opening the card she reads, "This was supposed to be here before you woke up this morning. I hope you like this let me know if you don't and we'll get you something you'll like better. I hope you will wear it to the party tonight. Aaron."

She sets the card down on the table were the flowers are. She makes short work of the covering over the box. "Oh, Aaron, you idiot." The necklace is delicate net of diamonds and emeralds.

"Do you like it?" Aaron asks anxiously. "It was supposed to be delivered last night but there was some type of problem. They assured me it would be here earlier. I wanted to give it to you with your other gifts."

"I love it. It and the flowers are beautiful."

"Oh, the flowers aren't from me, but they are indeed beautiful."

Julie looks confused. She thought it was all the same delivery. She goes back to looking for a card.

"Do you like them?"

Julie smiles, she should have known. "No, Adam, I love them. Are they from you?"

"Yes," Adam just leaves it at that.

"Why is there no card?"

"I love you, but I don't know how to say it. I couldn't think of what to say on the card, so I told them to not bother."

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Julie says smiling to take the sting out of her words.

"Oh, I am well aware of that. I've messed up with you so much. I almost drove you away. I'll do anything to keep you here, but lock you up." Adam says and a small smile flashes onto his face and off again.

"Idiot. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah, while you were getting your gifts and the babies their breakfast. Go and eat, I'll be busy with business until it's time for dinner. I had hoped to spend more of the day with you, sorry."

"It's alright. We have a party tonight that will last all night long." Julie smirks at the expression on Adam's face.

"Yeah, make sure you pack a bag. We'll be staying in the penthouse tonight." Adam tells her and a wicked look lights up his eyes.

"Oh? we won't be staying for the whole party?" Julie retorts her own wicked smile alighting on her face.

"We'll have our own party upstairs."

"What about the strict no boy/girl sleepover rule?" Julie snickers.

"Shit," Adam says. He hates being a hypocrite. 

Julie continues her snickering as she goes into the kitchen. "Aaron, love, would you take my gifts to my room please?"

"Of course, Jules. You didn't say if you would wear the necklace tonight or not." Aaron is hopeful.

"Yes, of course I will. They'll go beautifully with the dress I was forced to get for tonight." Julie looks unhappily at Aiden who had come out to see what the commotion was about.

"The birthday girl should be the most beautiful girl there." Aiden says with an innocent look on his face.

Julie isn't buying it. She's pretty sure he knew that Alex and Aaron were going to give her emerald jewelry and wanted to have a dress for her to match.

She shrugs and goes into the kitchen. The cook already started her breakfast turns to her and tells her happy birthday.

They go over the menu for dinner while Julie eats her meal. Adam's parents weren't the only guests coming and she's more than a little nervous.

She knows that Margo and Mike won't judge her, but still, she's never hosted a party before.

Alex comes up behind her and starts rubbing her shoulders and neck.

"Oh, you can stop doing that never. You missed your calling in life, Alex. You should have become a masseuse and charged blood for the massages."

"That's not a bad idea, love. If my companies go broke I'll think about doing that."

"Alex if you are going to seduce her do it in another room where other's don't have to watch." Adam says acidly.

"Adam, come here, please?" Julie says, she can feel his jealousy.

Adam goes over to her and she kisses him long and deep. "I didn't get to thank you for the flowers."

"No need to thank me like that."

Julie is finished eating and talking to the cook and so whispers in Adam's ear.

Adam looks at her sharply, "Are you sure?" At her nod he says, "Alex come with us."

Alex follows the two out of the room absolutely clueless as to what Adam wants with him. It was pretty obvious what Julie wants with Adam, but he doesn't understand why Adam called for him.

As they go up the stairs Adam fills him in and Alex smiles. He tells him he'll be right there and races off to his room.

By the time they make it back to Adam's room Alex is right behind them. He never thought Adam would allow something like this and never thought it would be Adam inviting him to join in. He makes sure the door is closed and locked.

"Aren't you busy though, Adam?"

"I'm never to busy to fulfill one of your dreams love." Adam tells her then starts kissing her.

Alex joins in and all three lose track of time.

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