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By the time they got home Julie was exhausted. Although they hadn't driven as much there had still been a lot going on. The information she'd been given was also having an effect on her.

"Did you have fun, Jules?" Alex asks when they came in. Julie wasn't hungry, but she was thirsty and so wanted some juice before going to bed.

"Yes, it's been a long day. Poor Aaron had to deal with teaching me to drive stick." Julie tells him, she hopes that he'll be willing to help teach her as well.

"Is the car still running?"

"Did we call to have you come get us?" Aaron asks coming into the kitchen.

"No, but that doesn't mean-" Alex stops teasing when he notices tears in Julies eyes.

"I'm sorry, Julie, I was having some fun with you. I'll take you driving tomorrow if you want."

"Doesn't matter," Julie says and leaves the kitchen without drinking her juice.

"Good job, idiot." Aaron tells Alex before leaving as well. He hadn't gotten much more sleep than Julie, add in the affects of the sun and he's drained. He has a glass of blood with him to help him recover.

"Was that Aaron I just passed?" Adam asks coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah, they were both kinda tired I guess."

Adam notices the glass of undrunk juice sitting on the counter. "Alex, why is the juice sitting out like this?"

"I was teasing Julie a bit about her driving stick. I didn't mean to make her upset and I'll apologize again tomorrow." Alex is quick to say at the narrowing of Adam's eyes.

"What did I say about making her upset?"

"I didn't mean to, I was just joking around. I had no idea that she would take it so badly. Now I know and won't do it again."

Adam looks at him narrowly and thins his lips down in anger, "You better not make her upset again, Alex. She's with you all day tomorrow."

"I know. I have no idea what to do other than the driving lessons. I don't really know anything about her yet."

"You could take her horse back riding and show her the extensive grounds of the estate."

Alex perks up, he knows of a lovely waterfall that is only accessible by horseback or hiking. Either one will work for him, he doesn't mind hikes. He'll make or have a lunch made to take with them. "Does she like horses?"

"I don't know," Adam shrugs, "that's never come up in conversation. I guess you'll find out tomorrow."

Alex, leaves the room lost in thought and making plans. First thing he needs to get Julie's forgiveness. He knows of a florist that is open all night. He makes a call and gives them an order. He hopes that Julie likes the flowers he ordered. It would be so much easier if you knew her likes and dislikes.

Julie is dreaming of Adam and is more than a little irritated by the insistent knocking on her door that wakes her. She stumbles out of bed and makes her way to the door. "What!?" Julie is less than gracious to the person that woke her up.

Adam merely smiles, "Good morning to you too, sunshine."

"Not in the mood, Adam. Why in the hell did you wake me up?"

"You need to get ready for breakfast. Alex wants me to tell you to dress casual, jeans and such." With those words Julie brightens. She thought she'd have to wear another dress.

"You know what he has planned?" Julie hopes to find out so she can prepare ahead of time.

"No, just that he wants you to also pack some extra clothes and a swim suit." Adam shrugs he doesn't care as long as the rules are followed.

"Adam," Julie looks at Adam and smiles slyly. Adam knows that she has something up her sleeve but doesn't know what.


"You still owe me some lessons, I haven't forgotten."  Julie smirks at the look on Adam's face.

Adam captures her before she can shut the door and gives her a kiss that makes her lose any desire to smirk. He walks her back into her room and to her bed. "If I had the time today I would start the lesson right now, love. It's not good to tease, now is it?"

Adam lets her up and in retaliation for what he did Julie smirks as she takes her night shirt off.

Adam growls, "Julie, you're playing with fire."

"Am I?" Julie is more than a little upset at how easily he just leaves. Three times now he's promised to teach her and he's broken that promise.

"If you are in such a hurry, Jewel, save Sunday for me. We'll take the whole day and I'll give you a very thorough lesson." Adam promises.

"Sure, I'll save the day for you, but you need to save the day for me as well. Taking off and dealing with other things means I won't go with you on your next day."

"If things come up that's not my fault!" 

"I'm just letting you know, you aren't the only one in the family. Aaron can take care of any emergencies that might come up. Really it depends on you and your priorities. So you choose. Sunday is now yours, if you show up Monday will be as well. If you don't then I'll have Monday free too."

"That's not how it works," Adam growls out angrily.

"It is now, I'm tired of being stood up."

Julie finishes getting dressed as Adam fights to control his anger before storming out of her room.

Julie comes out of her room just as the front door rings. One of the maids opens it and Julie hears. "Delivery for Miss Julie Thomas?"

"I'll take that thank you," The maid says. Julie stands there to see what was delivered to her.

The maid closes the door and she draws in a sharp breath. The bouquet was huge. Wildflowers, a rainbow of colors over flowing the vase. She finishes going down the stairs and finds the card. The maid had set the vase on the hall table.

"Forgive me, I never meant to make you cry. Will you go driving with me today? Alex" Julie finishes reading the card and makes her way to the kitchen. She sees Alex already there. He's eating so she doesn't bother him and tells the cook what she would like to eat and sits waiting.

As soon as Alex finishes his meal he looks over to Julie uncertainly.

Julie gets up and throws her arms around him giving him a giant hug. "Thank you for the flowers they are perfect. And yes, I forgive you and will go driving with you if you are still willing to drive with me."

Alex smiles and moves the hair off her face. He leans down and kisses her and she is more than willing to kiss him.

"I take it she has forgiven you then?" Adam's voice makes Alex break off the kiss faster than he had planned.

"Yes," Alex says disappointed that Julie leaves his side and takes a seat. She refuses to look at Adam and Alex is worried. Tension between Adam and Julie wouldn't be good. Adam will take it out on the rest of them.

Adam looks like he wants to speak some more to Julie but instead he leaves the room. Alex lets out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"Julie, what the hell was that about?" Alex demands.

"I have no idea, you'd have to ask Adam. I don't have a high enough priority to know shit."

Then Alex knows, she's still pissed about Adam leaving Monday night.

"No, I'm not angry about Monday." Julie says and goes back to eating her food. "Ask him, if you really want to know."

Alex decides that he really doesn't want to know that badly and sits down waiting for her to finish her food. He gives instructions to the cook about lunch before they leave.

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