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The clothes shopping wasn't nearly as bad as Julie had thought it would be. In the end she found three dresses that passed both her and Adam's taste. One she fell in love with and decided she would wear that night.

Finally they finished and unsurprising even Adam agreed with her that heels was a bad idea. He managed to talk her into pumps and she accepted wedges but no heels.

She was far happier when he took her to the casual clothing stores and was pleasantly surprised to find Adam buy some jeans and t shirts and hoodies. She smiled at him knowing that he was doing it for her and let him know that she appreciated the effort.

She was embarrassed more than anything when he took her to a lingerie shop. He did most of the choosing and she just tried on the selections. One thing she refused to get there were thongs. She knew that most guys liked them, but she found nothing sexy about a string going up her ass. She found it annoying as hell.

Adam didn't even try to talk her into buying any when she just gave him a look. Instead she did accept the lace underwear that she thought was itchy as hell as a compromise.

Lastly he gave her some night wear  and swim wear. Why there was swim wear in a lingerie store she couldn't figure out but shrugs and tried on the various items he handed her.

She decided that it is time to play with Adam a bit and so went out and modeled for him. She made him tell her exactly what he thought of each item.

This time it's him that cuts the shopping short in that store. He hurriedly buys the items they both agree on and then hustles her out of there.

They both breath a sigh of relief as they enter the store that has various china and silver ware.

"Get whatever you wish, love." He hopes that this will make it so she loses the last of her ire towards him. He'll have to remember that she detests shopping and make sure that one of the others is the one to take her next time.

Julie ambles along the different aisles looking at the different items for sale. 'Adam,' Julie says through the mind link, he immediately comes to her side.

"You like that one?" Adam asks softly. It is a beautiful piece and wouldn't mind buying the tea service and showing it off.

"Can we get the full set, enough for the family and some friends?"

"How many settings would you like? This pattern will look nice next to your grandmother's china."

"Would twenty settings be too much?" Julie bites her lip. She knows that Adam and the others sometimes host dinners in their home and she hopes they could use this pattern for one of the meals.

"No, that would be fine. Would you like to use this china or your grandmother's for Sunday?"

"This, I don't want to bring my grandmother's china there just to break a piece immediately."

Adam smiles in understanding. He has her walk around for a bit looking to see if she likes any of the other patterns and she finds another silver one that she likes. Adam gets that one as well. He pays for and arranges delivery for the china and silver.

As a surprise for Julie he also picks out a set of silverware to go with the new china they bought. He just hopes that she likes his gift to her.

By the time they are done they head to the hotel to relax for just an hour or so before they need to start to get ready for the symphony.

Julie gets out of the shower and finds the counter covered in cosmetics. "I didn't know what to get so I had to ask the counter girl. This is what she suggested. Use what you like, personally I don't think you need anything, but I'm not sure how you feel about make up, so I wanted to make sure you have it if you want it."

"Thank you," Julie looks at the vast array before her. She knows what a couple of the items are, but there are far more than she's ever used before.

"I'll have a makeup artist come to the estate and teach you how to use each item. But for tonight use or not use what you want. It won't hurt my feelings any if you don't use any of it."

Julie sighs in relief and quickly puts on a bit of makeup that she knows how to use. She then goes into her room and slips into her clothes.

"You are such a perv, Adam. I'm trying to get ready here."

"I know, that's why I'm in here." Adam doesn't deny her about being a perv. He likes looking at her body.

Julie sighs and ignores him. She can't force him to leave and she doesn't have time for his games.

"Make yourself useful and do up the dress for me?" Julie finally says after slipping on the black elegant dress. It's a floor length piece and she's more worried about tripping over the dress than anything else at this point.

"You look perfect, except for one thing." Adam says after doing up the dress. He slides a necklace around her neck and does it up.

Julie draws in a breath. It's the most beautiful diamond necklace she's ever seen, more beautiful than any her mother had in her collection.

"Where in the world did you get this?" Julie says admiring the necklace in the mirror and how it looks on her.

"I slipped out while you were arguing about heel size with the sales lady." Adam mentioned the first clothing store they went too. Because of that fight Julie refused to buy anything there and warned Adam that she wouldn't wear anything from that store if he bought it anyway.

Adam had put his hands up in surrender and backed away.

Up until that point they had had a large selection of clothes picked out. The look on the sales persons face when she realized that Adam wasn't going to over rule her and buy them any way was priceless.

"It's beautiful, thank you."

"Not as beautiful as you, My Jewel. I know that's cheesy but it also happens to be true."

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