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Julie is exhausted by the time they get home. She had Adam's and Alex's blood, but she still needs blood from the other four before she can go to bed.

"Julie, I need to go to your school tomorrow to make the announcement to the seniors about your party. Would you like to go with me?" Adam asks as he sits on her bed.

Julie blinks at him, she had forgotten about the party. She had told Aiden her preferences and then she hasn't heard about it since.

"I'd like that thanks." Julie smiles at him in pleasure. Something he hasn't seen since Alex brought the skank home.

The next morning Adam gets Julie up early. "Come on, love. You can sleep in the car on the way to school if you wish." Adam smiles at the reluctance Julie shows. It's just like when she first moved in with them.

At the school the secretary was just as snotty to Julie as before. Adam becomes enraged. By the end of the day the secretary is looking for a new job as Adam calls the school board and tells them of the secretary's behavior towards him and his girlfriend.

The principal is slightly better. He at least recognizes the person with Julie and so he keeps his snide remarks to himself.

"What can I do for you Mr. Demarco?"

"Well Mr. Parker, I need you to call an assembly for the seniors in your school. I have an opportunity for them that I need to announce. It has to do with graduation day."

"Very well, Mr. Demarco, anything we can do for you beyond that?"

Adam smiles at the man, "Yes, you can apologize to Miss Thomas here for the behavior of the staff towards her."

The principal turns red with embarrassment and apologizes to her and has his secretary do the same.

Julie smirks and thanks Adam before kissing him.

Julie takes Adam to the auditorium and they make their way up to the stage. The sound and light guys are rushing to set a mic up for the principal and Mr. Demarco to make their announcement.

The principal introduces Adam and there is shocked silence. No one of Demarco's standing comes to their school.

"Thank you, Principal Parker. As you all are well aware, the end of the month marks a special part of your lives. At that time you will be leaving high school behind and entering the adult world. 

"That is a momentous time in your lives. It's even more so for my girlfriend Julie Thomas," Adam holds out his hand to have her come forward and stand by his side. "So, I have decided to throw a graduation party to celebrate her passing into her new life. It also happens to fall on her birthday, so it will be a birthday party as well.

"The party will be held at Demarco Suites. The party will be held in various parts of the hotel. The ballroom will hold food, drink and dancing to a live band. One of the pools with a water slide will be held open. We'll also have the game room and arcade open. All guests attending will be given a hundred dollars to use towards the games.

"The party is an all night affair so we will need parental consent forms turned in before the party. If the RSVP is not received before the party you will not be allowed entrance.

"Julie decided that you will be allowed to bring a date but will need parental permission for that person as well.

"If you choose to leave the party due to the need to sleep rooms will be assigned and there will be roommates of the same sex. There will be no sneaking into rooms of the opposite sex. There will be security monitoring all access points to the rooms.

"There will be a strict no alcohol policy. If alcohol is found the party will be shut down immediately and parents called to collect their children.

"If you wish to leave due to boredom or other commitments then a parent will need to be present to collect you.

"Last but not least, Julie wants me to assure you that a birthday gift is not necessary. She gets rather flustered when she gets a gift. I like to see her flustered so I give her gifts and she gets angry with me. You can do as you will if you go.

"A great deal of thought has gone into this party. Julie is sure that because there is to be no alcohol that no one will even want to come.

"I would love to have you prove her wrong.

"Packets containing all the information I just went over and some I might have missed as well as the parental consent forms and RSVP form and envelope will be handed out as you leave to return to class. 

"Thank you for your time and patience," Adam says and hands the mic back to the embarrassed principal.

Julie hugs  Adam even as they get off the stage. They are mobbed by kids wanting to meet the famous Adam Demarco and greet Julie once more.

Mr. Parker comes up to Julie and pulls her to the side of the room. Adam adjusts his position so that he can keep an eye on the principal but let them have their privacy.

"We were going to let you know, that you have been chosen to be this years valedictorian."

Julie looks at the principal with disbelief. There are several people that have perfect scores in her grade.

"Are you just choosing me because I'm Mr. Demarco's girlfriend?" Adam smirk's at the discomfiture of the principal.

"No, this year the names of all the contenders were placed in a box and a name was randomly selected. It just so happened to be your name."

Julie shakes her head. "No, those other kids have worked equally hard as me and deserve the honor as much as I do. How many of us are there?"

"Four make the qualifications this year."

"Fine, than this year there will be four valedictorians. You can let the others know today. You've left it rather late." 

After that Julie was once more swallowed by kids wanting to talk to her and her boyfriend.

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