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Margo and Mike come in with food. Margo holds the food as Mike helps her sit up. "We are under orders to make sure you either eat or order something else to eat." Mike tells her as he adjusts the pillows behind her so that she will be comfortable as she eats and talks to them.

Once she's comfortable Mike steps out of the way and Margo places the food over her legs so that she can eat easily.

"So when Mike saw you get kidnapped he immediately called Adam. We were happy to hear that you were recovered so quickly. When he told us that you were sick and almost died multiple times we were worried. We told Adam to not worry about the dinner on Sunday and I think all of them were glad about that."

"Hush, Margo, they are making a real effort. The dislike between our species goes deep. I'm sure that they probably had to swallow their tongues to keep from saying something to upset Julie here." Mike tells Margo. It wasn't easy for him either, but he'll do anything for his mate. He can see the vampires doing their best to make Julie happy. He's actually never seen them try so hard.

"They are trying Julie. I've never seen them try so hard on anything before."

"They are trying to get me to stay." Julie says in between bites. She's starving, she has no idea how long it's been since she's eaten but she now has to force herself to not inhale the food.

"Have you been offered food or refreshments?" Julie asks once she can force herself to slow down.

"Yes, they invited us to stay for dinner. It was a bit awkward especially since you weren't there, but yes, they were trying. They said that you were looking at moving?" Margo is curious, when Julie had been at the dealership things had been difficult but Julie seemed happy. She thought the difficult part was because of being thrown into the world of the supernatural.

"They have been very controlling and manipulative. I have told them multiple times that I don't want money or a lot of things. Adam had me open a bank account and then had Aiden deposit two million. When I tried to talk to them about it Adam wouldn't. He basically told me to suck it up. He told me that I was having a temper tantrum and he didn't want to deal with it. So I left. I needed time to cool off and they didn't allow it.

"Aiden followed me, Adam sent Aaron there and then came himself. I just needed to be alone. Then after Adam talked at me Aiden forced me to go to the city with him. Then when I wouldn't leave his car he told me he wouldn't get my car from where it was left if I didn't behave.

"Once I had enough of his shit, I told him to keep my car and left him in the cafe. It was after that that I was kidnapped."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but I was too far away. I tried to get to you even as I called Adam, but all I could do was take photos. They found your location from the license plate of the vehicle you were taken in."

"Not your fault in any way, shape or form. I do thank you for your help though, if you hadn't then I likely would have died. I nearly did several times from what I understand. I'm sure that Adam and the others are thankful to you and your timely assistance."

"As I am for you." Mike tells her, thankfully. "You gave us our first lead on where the possible rogue den is. We are having trouble getting inside, but at least we have a possible location.

"You have to have the sign or a special invitation to get in. There are no exceptions."

"Have you been in there?" Margo asks, but she thinks she knows the answer.

"Judy scored three invites and all but forced me to go. Judy, Michelle and myself went once, but I didn't like the feel of the place. We left within half an hour and it only took me that long because I had to threaten the other two that I would leave without them if they didn't get their asses out to the car."

"Can you remember the layout of the place?" Mike asks even more intently than before.

"I can see it in my mind but describing it, eh, not so good."

"Can you show me, Jewel? Then I can draw it up and show the others." Adam says startling the three already in the room.

Julie shrugs, "Sure, I guess." 

Julie thinks about the club as she remembers it and sends the mental image to Adam. She lets her memories seep into the image and hears a sharp inhale of breath.

"There are other supernaturals there than just the rogues. Magical creatures, both fey and witches. I even see some vamps." Adam says hissing in displeasure at what he was seeing.

He had no idea that his vamps were working with the rogues. This needs to end sooner rather than later.

"You can see it well enough to give a picture to the rest of us?" Mike all but demands from Adam.

"I guess, the memory isn't full and time has passed so things might have changed, but it's enough to give us an idea to work with." Adam says his eyes glowing at the idea of the fight ahead.

"Good, then we just need to work on a plan of attack." Mike says getting up from the bed and going over to Adam. The two males left the room leaving a shocked Margo and a not so shocked Julie behind.

"It's like I ceased to exist." Margo exclaims.

"Don't take it to heart. This is a major threat to him, his people but mostly towards you. He needs to get this threat dealt with so that you will be safe."

"I could say the same thing about you, with Adam being the one worried about your health. Are you really thinking about leaving them all?"

"Yes. They are trying to get me to wait at least until my birthday. I just don't know if I can though," Julia tells her morosely.

Margo looks at her sadly.

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