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Adam picks up the girls scent and drags Aaron with him. He finds her leaving a grocery store. It's now after hours so he's assuming that she works there. He and Aaron get ahead of her and wait for her by the city square fountain.

"Come here," Adam says stepping in front of the girl once again and ordering her to come to him. Aaron waits to see what she does, he'll only step in if the girl manages to ignore Adam's command.

"You again," the two vampires can actually see her rolling her eyes at them. "I told you last night to bugger off. Now I see you brought a friend with you. If you try to do anything I'll scream bloody murder. There might not be many people out, but there are enough to get the police here."

They don't live in a big city and the people still give a crap about their neighbors. The two vampires know that the people will call the cops. That's the last thing they need, it will take a lot of work to make everyone forget, if they can. This girl is proving to be a lot of work.

Fortunately for them and not so much for her they love a challenge.

"Come with us," Aaron steps up and adds his command to that of his brother. He's sure that between the two she won't be able to resist.

"I said no, what the hell is wrong with you people? Now you've gone and pissed me off, so fuck off." She looks at her phone and starts jogging. She's running late and she can't afford to be late again. The whipping her parents gave her this morning is still hurting her. Now because of these two morons she might be getting another one.

The two vampires are speechless.

"Did you smell it?" Adam asks Aaron.

Aaron can't speak and nods. There had been blood and it's fresh. Their target is hiding something and they fear for her life at this point.

"Did she have that last night?" Aaron asks nervously. He can feel Adam getting angry.

"No, if I had I would have followed her home and dealt with whatever problem she had." He's already claimed her. Aaron swallows convulsively. Adam doesn't like to share what he considers his. Aaron just doesn't see how this is going to turn out good. Either he'll be leaving the human here or taking her back to the house. 

If he takes her back to the house Adam will have to share her. It's the house rule.

If he leaves her here then she will be at the mercy of whoever is beating her and any other vampires that might take an interest in her.

"Don't look so fearful, Aaron. I told you that I'd share her and I mean that. I can deal with sharing her with my brothers, but not with anyone else. Definitely not with any human." Adam is smiling and if a human had seen it they would have feared it even as they are pulled into a deadly embrace.

Julie has to stop jogging due to the pain it's causing her back. Fortunately she was able to make up the time. It would have been a hell of a lot easier if she could have driven, but her parents took her driving privileges away.

They had awakened with hangovers and took it out on her.

It wasn't fair but then her life isn't.

That car is hers. She bought it herself. It's in her name paid for by her money, but because she isn't eighteen they are legally allowed to do that. How she hates her parents and wishes that the two months was up.

The last day of school is also her birthday. Not many people can say that they graduate on their eighteenth birthday.

Her parents have no idea that she's been saving her paychecks. She has to give them the lions share. Her parents call it rent.

She calls it laziness on their part because they don't want to work full time. They'd rather drink and party. Perhaps that's why she hates going to parties.

She opens the door and manages to get past her parents with just a goodnight. She made it before the end of the news and so they don't pay much attention to her.

Julie gets to her bedroom and does an awkward dance trying to remove the shirt without much pain. She gets an eerie feeling like she's being watched but when she looks around doesn't see anything.

She finally manages to get her top off. She decides to not put anything on and let the back breathe. She lies down on her bed topless and falls into a deep dream filled sleep about the two hot men that tried to get her to go with them.

Adam and Aaron watch as Julie finally manages to get her top off. They suck in their breaths at what they see. Blood dripping from freshly opened whip marks.

Aaron has to hold Adam back. They watch to see what Julie does. When she lies down without wrapping her back they are both relieved and upset. Those wounds need to be seen to, but who would see to them? Julie wouldn't be able to correctly.

Once they are sure that she's asleep Adam slips into the house. Aaron lifts a brow at this since they should need an invitation. The girl must be dreaming naughty dreams for them to be allowed inside. Aaron finds himself able to enter as well.

Adam goes to the girl and cuts his wrist. He allows his blood to mix with hers and they watch with satisfaction as the wounds heal. Eventually not even a white scar remains of the whipping.

Aaron slips out of the room and finds a clean wash cloth and a bowl. He fills the bowl with warm water and returns to the bedroom.

Adam takes the cloth and after wringing the water out carefully and gently cleans the girls skin free of the blood. Both of them are pleased to hear the girl sigh out in relief. They wish they knew what her name was, but they will find out soon. They are determined to find out the following night.

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