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"Love, I have to get back to work. Aiden, today is your day, sorry that so much of your time was taken for work." Adam tells both Julie and Aiden.

"Couldn't be helped. Thank you for all you've done, all of you," Julie tells them tears falling. It has been such an emotional day.

"We were just happy that we could help." Adam tells her smiling at her. He sends her off with Aiden and it was harder than he thought possible. He knows that they need to be together, but it doesn't make it easier to take.

"It's been a long and difficult morning, want to watch a movie?" Aiden asks her diffidently. He wipes her tears away and holds her close.

"Okay," they head inside but find the back room occupied. Aiden sighs and picks out some movies.

"Looks like we'll need to watch it in my room." Actually that would be better anyway he thinks.

"Okay," Julie starts feeling hungry and asks the cook for some breakfast burritos and sandwiches for them to eat.

By the time she has everything she wants to take up with her Aiden has the movie ready to go.

They cuddle up on the bed. Julie eats her breakfast and finds herself more than a little turned on by Aiden. By the time she's done eating Aiden is kissing her neck.

'Would you mind if we brought in company?' Aiden asks her.

The question startles her. 'Would you mind if Arthur joined us?'

'I don't know, I don't understand.' Julie replies.

Aiden explains it to her and she's willing to try. Soon the movie is completely ignored and two more are expecting children.

"You damn well better not have made a video without her permission," Julie hears an angry Aaron say as she feels herself being picked up and a blanket wrapped around her.

She's too tired to pay too much attention but hears that Aaron is angry. "You destroy that before Adam finds out about it."

"Find out about what? What's all this yelling for?"

"Aiden made a video without Jules permission." Aaron snarls, something he's saying makes her want to pay attention but she can't make herself wake up enough to care.

"Aaron, take her to your room and let her rest while you work." Adam demands and that's the last thing she hears as she is carried out of the room.

"Sleep Julie, when you wake we'll talk." Aaron says laying her down gently on his bed. He carefully moves her hair off her face.

If Julie could see his face she would have been shocked at the love he shows her as he looks at her.

For his part Aaron is not happy. He loves the fact that he now can seduce Julie, but he doesn't like the fact that he has to be with her to keep her from either dying or being in excruciating pain. He also doesn't like the fact that he feels like he's cheating Adam by being with Julie. Now that he knows that Julie is in fact Adam's special one, it feels wrong to be with her.

Aaron sighs and gets to work making plans for the attack against the rogues.

They figure the rogues have magical help or they wouldn't be able to hide in such large numbers like they have. So they have looked for their own magical help and they've found it.

The spell broke what the rogues had and they are able to get an estimation of the amount of wolves and others they'll be going against.

The force is far larger than they had hoped, but not as bad as they feared. They think. They aren't sure since they are unable to get inside.

Aaron is so lost in his planning that he doesn't hear the sounds of stirring that Julie is giving.

"Aaron? How did I get in your room?"

"I carried you. That asshat brother of mine, Aiden made a sex video of you and him and Arthur. That wouldn't be a problem if they had your permission first, but they didn't get it.

"I found out about it when I went in to ask you a question. Adam was furious, I wouldn't go near him until he has a chance to calm down.

"After your time with the idiots, you were tired and needed to sleep so I brought you back here."

Julie is burning with embarrassment. A sex video? It was bad enough what they wanted to do, there was no way she would have agreed to a video being made.

"Are you hungry?" Aaron's question startles her.

Her face burning even more, "What? Oh, not really, perhaps in a bit I'll be hungry, I'm still trying to wake up."

"I should have grabbed you some clothes, Jules. I'm sorry." Aaron says as he notices her holding to the blanket as if her life depends on it.

"I'm sorry you have to be with me like this." Aaron tells her softly.

"Aaron, the only thing I'm sorry about is that you feel you have to be with me. You know I've had erotic dreams about you since the night I first met you. That hasn't changed." Julie can't look at him. She's afraid of what she will see in his eyes if she does.

"Julie, I don't want you to feel ashamed or embarrassed with me." Aaron kneels at the side of the bed.

Julie leans forward and whispers in his ears. She couldn't bare to say the words out loud. Adam told her that they were going to do their best to fulfill her dreams right? Well why not the erotic ones as well?

Aaron is more than willing to help her fulfill this dream of hers. He can't believe that she had that kind of dream when she was so incredibly innocent that she didn't even understand what an orgasm was.

After they finished and they've caught their breathes, "Now, I'm hungry."

Aaron chuckles, he remembers what Adam said and cuts his wrists, "Have this for now and after I get you some clothes I'll take you down to the kitchen for food. We'll also need to get the idiots to feed you their blood before much longer."

Aaron gives her a shirt before leaving his room and going to hers.

While he was gone, Aiden comes in, "I'm sorry, Jules. Adam had the video destroyed. I won't ever record you without your permission again."

"Oh, Aiden, I never would have thought you'd do something like that. I'm really disappointed in you." Julie tells him, she wants him to feel bad not just embarrassed before she forgives him. "I need your blood soon."

Aiden looks startled. He'd forgotten about that. He doesn't have a knife so he bites his wrist and makes it deep. Julie takes it and immediately drinks the welling blood.

"Thank you."

"Am I forgiven?" Aiden asks hopefully.

"I'll think about it." Julie tells him. She still isn't sure that he's really sorry for what he did. As he turns from her she can feel his pain. Good, she'll let him feel that for a bit longer.

Aiden leaves as Aaron enters. "The bathroom is through that door there." Aaron says and watches Aiden leave with narrowed eyes. "What did he want?"

"To apologize."

Aaron smirks, "I take it you haven't accepted yet?"

"Nope," Julie says.

She hears Aaron say, "Good." As she closes the door.

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