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There was no trouble opening the account, especially when they saw the amount that was being deposited and who the cosigner on the account was.

Aiden was careful to not let Julie see how much Adam was having him deposit. He has a feeling when she finds out that she's going to blow a fuse.

He was right, as they are driving back to the house she looks at the papers the bank gave her and found the deposit amount. "Oh, no he didn't."

"What's wrong, Jules?" Aiden asks nervously.

"He had you deposit two million in my account?" Julie demands.

"Yes, he didn't want me to tell you because he knew you wouldn't be happy."

"Oh, he got that right."

'Adam, Aaron, Alex, Aiden, Arthur and Azlo, I want a meeting with all of you when I get home in about twenty minutes.' Julie mind sends and she makes sure that they know that she is angry.

'I'm in a meeting right now, Jewel-" Adam tries to tell her. He knows what she wants to talk to him about and wants to wait until she has calmed down.

'You will be there Adam because I will interrupt your meeting if I have to and I won't have a problem doing so.'

'Stop throwing a temper tantrum, Julie.' Adam says coolly.

'Very well, forget it.' Julie says but she refuses to even look at Aiden and faces only the window.

She answers his questions, but with as little life as she can making them monosyllables if possible.

When she gets to the house she goes to her room and grabs her bag that has her keys and leaves the house.

"Jules, where are you going?" Aiden asks apprehensively.

"Apparently my temper tantrum is not appreciated, so I will make sure that you all aren't subjected to it."

"Where are you going?" Aiden asks again, fear now in his eyes.

"I don't know yet." With that Julie takes off. Aiden takes off after her but is too late to stop her from leaving. He runs to his car and does his best to follow her.

'Where is she?' Adam demands an hour later when she's still not back at the house and isn't answering her phone or opening her mind link.

Aiden isn't answering either.

'We don't know.' The other brothers respond. They've been out looking for the missing two and can't find them.

It isn't safe with the rogue attacks for her to take off like this.

Adam text's Aiden's phone, "Either respond or I'll send out the vamp guards to look for you both."

Shortly after that he finally gets a text from Aiden. "We are at the cliffs not far from her family's home. Every time I try to get close she moves away. Right now she's near the edge of the cliff. I don't dare get closer."

Adam breathes a bit easier. At least he knows where they are.

'Is anyone near her old home town?' Adam sends out.

'I am,' Aaron responds.

'She's at the cliffs, and she won't let Aiden near her. He says that she is close to the edge.'

'On it.' Aaron sends out before cutting the connection. Now how to get her to accept him near her?

'Aaron stay away from me. I need some time alone.' Julie tells him before she can even see him. They hadn't realized that she could use the marking to tell the location of where they are.

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