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Adam goes inside and starts the long process of helping Julie pick up the pieces of her life. He knows that Alex and Julie are very close. At least they were before last night. Now Julie is upstairs crying her heart out because of the betrayal Alex did to her.

He knows that Julie had warned Alex. She had warned all his brothers but especially Alex because Judy had targeted him.

All his brothers minus Alex wait for him inside the house. "What's going on?" They can all feel Julie's pain.

"Alex brought Judy home last night and slept with her instead of going back to Julie. Julie caught them in bed together.

"That bitch tried to blackmail me, warned me if I called the cops on her ass about her trespassing then she'd press charges for statutory rape against Alex." This makes all of them narrow their eyes in anger. 

"Judy is no longer permitted in this house or even on this property. I'd get a restraining order, but I don't yet have grounds for one." Adam warns the others and they all nod in understanding.

"Aiden, you need to talk to me about the plans for the party for Julie."

"We have a problem, Adam, Julie won't drink our blood. She refuses to even open her door." Azlo tells him.

Adam sighs, this will take precedence. He's not going to allow Julie to die a slow and painful death.

"Julie, open the door please. I promise I won't try to get you to drink my blood, see Alex or even forgive him."

He hears Julie slowly make her way to the door and unlock it. He opens it and holds her to him tight. "I won't say it will be alright, because it hurts and words don't do fucking shit to help with that."

He picks her up and carries her to the bed and holds her on his lap. "I won't make you drink the blood you need to keep the babies and you alive, but I will give you a choice. Either drink the blood or I abort all seven of the babies right now. I won't watch you die slow and painfully. If I have to choose I will choose you.

"So you need to do the choosing right now, love." Adam says, he holds his knife over his wrist ready to cut it or his hand over her stomach.

Julie starts crying and burrows her head into his chest. 'Don't kill them, I'll drink the blood. I just can't be around Alex right now, I'll have to get his blood in some other way.'

"That can be arranged, love. Now drink," Adam says and cuts his wrist. Julie takes his wrist and starts drinking.

Adam silently calls for the others minus Alex and they all come in and offer her their blood as well.

"Thank you. Adam, I don't think I could eat right now or I'll be sick. I just want to sleep. Will you tell Aiden that I'm not up for anything now?"

"I'll let him know. For what it's worth, I am sorry for what happened last night and this morning. I tossed her half dressed ass out of the house. She threatened to have Alex arrested for statutory rape. She seems to have forgotten that her birthday was yesterday."

"I can't believe that I ever defended her and protected her from the kids from school."

"Well there is one good thing she's done," Adam tells her.

"What's that?"

"She made you go to the party where we met, so if it weren't for her I'd never have met you and you'd either be dead or just wishing you were."

"I guess you're right." Adam isn't willing to let Julie from his sight so he carries her to the study and has her sit on the couch there while he works.

He doesn't like how her aura has changed. Hell he didn't like how it changed once he and his brothers bit her for protection. Her beautiful white aura gained a blood red outer color. It was almost like the red was a shield for the white.

Now the red outer layer was broken into pieces. There was an unhealthy gray starting to creep into the center of her aura. He fears what that means.

He fears that he and his brothers have irreparably harmed her.

He frowns even further as the day progresses and she refuses to eat. It won't do any good to feed the babies blood if she dies from starvation.

He allows this to go on for the night but he won't allow it to continue through the next day.

That night he holds her as she cries herself to sleep.

It takes everything in him to not go after Alex and kill him.

Julie will only drink Alex's blood from a cup. Alex leaves blood in the fridge and Adam collects it for Julie when she needs to drink.

Julie is eating but only small amounts. They are all getting worried since she is starting to lose weight. She should be gaining since she is pregnant.

Adam  watches the gray become stronger and spread over more of the white. It reminds him of what happens to vampires that give up on life and fade away.

Julie rarely goes out of her room and when she does she makes sure that she avoids Alex at all costs. She won't drive her car or go hiking on the trails. She will rarely go out to the garden but she won't stay out there very long.

Adam is worried that she won't go to the auction.

The day of the auction arrives. Adam places a box on her bed and hopes that she likes it.

Julie comes into the room and sees the box and looks at Adam in question. "It's for the auction tonight if you still want to go."

Julie remembers the tea service and her eyes light up for the first time since Alex hurt her.

Julie takes out the dress and lets out a gasp. "It's lovely Adam, thank you. Of course I'll wear this."

Adam smiles and leaves so that she might get ready. He hopes that she will pull out of this depression now.

He leaves her room and goes to his to get ready.

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