Chacun Voit Midi à Sa Porte

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Ch.1- Chacun voit midi à sa porte

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

The turning of the seasons had always been one of your favorite parts of the year, especially now as the fall was finally starting to set in. The warmth of summer was finally starting to fade off in favor of changing leaves and the smell of autumn.

Your eyes gazed out the window, not paying much attention to the sound of the teacher rambling on about the new semester or how the final half of this year will be much harder than your first. Your thoughts were elsewhere at this moment, absorbed in how the fall was nearly here.

And currently sitting in your seat behind a messy green haired male, with the tall ravenette behind you, you were once more reminded of how truly lucky you were to be here sitting in this classroom during this part of your life.

Yuuei Academy was not an easy school to get into, seeing as only about 2% of those who apply even get in. Therefore, only the true best of the best were able to sit among the performing greats. But then again, maybe one day you'd be talked about on a first-day speech when some teacher in the not so distant future would say proudly "And in this very classroom is where (Full Name) took her classes."

The thought made you smile softly to yourself, seeing as if any school would help bring you to hold the title of a skilled and elegant ballerina... it would be UA. The school was known for its two elite programs after all: composer or choreographer. UA would accept twenty gifted students from each program each year and help them hone their skills to be a bright star by the time they graduated.

UA's own structure was made to promote teamwork among not only the peers in your program but also in the rival one. Meaning, each class held ten dancers and ten musicians with regular classes occurring and allowing everyone to mix and mingle among each other and form bonds that may be useful come adulthood.

UA even had a partner program: a dancer and a musician. The dancer would dance to the musician's songs and the musician would create a score for the dance. This way each could get exposure and make a possible friend along the way.

And you were grateful for the partner you had made come day one when everyone was searching for someone who looked to have a common theme. She was elegant, organized and hardworking. Not to mention providing you some of the most gorgeous and original classical pieces you had heard for your recent ballet sessions.

The sound of your teacher speaking your name tugged you back to reality and with wide eyes, you looked back towards the man who was tapping his finger against the desk impatiently. Aizawa-sensei seemed to have been trying to get your attention for a while now.

"Y-yes, sensei?" You squeaked, embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming.

"We're finishing up... so please try to stay with us for a few more minutes." He spoke, dark eyes looking towards his teaching partner. "Yamada... take over."

And with that, the male bent downwards and got into his sleeping bag. A few of the girls giggled at the strange dance teacher they had, as his music counterpart began to scream out the remaining announcements.

You decided to not try and daydream any longer, instead looking at the school guidebooks that had been handed out once again at the start of the fall semester. Apparently, the principal wanted to reinstate the rules... as yet another group of students had been expelled last semester over breaking that one single rule.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now