Mal De Coucou

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Ch.12 - Mal De Coucou

The weekend went by quick, the new studio having proved to be the perfect place to do some practice and also feel safe enough to hide from any wandering eyes. The train station lockers that had previously been rented for each member to hide their uniforms were no longer. Now the costumes and bags rested inside an empty closed inside your apartment. The bedroom not being used, as you didn't have very many guests who came to visit. So it was no bother.

But aside from how you and the more experienced breakdancing members were meeting up more and more often... school had shown to have no changes. You still mostly kept to yourself, and even any real interactions they attempted to have with you... was brushed aside.

Even now as the secret pink haired female watched you take your tray from the line and walk to an empty table... she wondered if keeping up looks was really what she wanted to do. After all... simply talking to you and forming a friendship with you wouldn't raise too many suspicions, right? Especially when you looked so lonely... eating a meal by yourself.

You ate a lot of meals alone... didn't you? And the thought of it made the female feel towards you, and want to at least give you one of your three meals with someone besides you. But she wasn't sure how to go about it... after all, as she had reminded herself over and over again this last week... the two of you were not friends. And while she would like to be, she knew the trouble Yao-Momo had been having, and didn't know if her luck would be any better.

"A-SHI-DO!" Kaminari's voice came close to her ear, the female jumping a bit.

Ashido came back to focus on her own lunch group. Shaking her head and looking out towards the males who were looking at her like she was some sort of alien. She signed, looking towards them with a tired look.

"What?" Ashido asked, sending an annoyed expression towards Kaminari who had given her a small adrenaline rush.

"We're going to see a movie this weekend at the mall! Wanna come?" Kaminari and Sero eagerly looked at her.

"What movie?" Ashido spoke.

"We were thinking the new comedy!" Kaminari continued, getting more and more excited over his weekend plans. "You know, the one that's been all over the ads on the train stations!"

"Yeah, I've seen the posters for it..." Ashido tapped her fingers against the table, her lunch still forgotten. "Who else is coming?"

"Kami and I for sure. Kiri needs to check and Bakugou already said he'd rather eat shit... so I assume he's coming if Kiri can." Sero informed her. "Why, you want to invite Jirou?"

Ashido let out a low sigh, shaking her head. "I mean yes... I'll invite her... but I was thinking we could also invite... (Last Name)?"

Kaminari chuckled once. "You think she'd want to come with us? I mean Yao-Momo has tried to get her to go to tea with her since the summer and she always declines. What makes you think she'll want to see a movie with us?"

He didn't speak with any malice, nor did he want to speak with any. Rather, the blonde with the strange birthmark in his hair seemed more to try and attempt to sway Ashido towards what the most likely answer would be. He knew she could get just as excited as he could about things and didn't want the fake blonde to get her hopes up.

Kaminari enjoyed having you as part of their group, but he also knew how hard it had been for you last weekend to try and socialize with them all. He knew that the lot of them were close and often had many inside jokes and loud exclamations.

You were obviously not used to it, having nearly spilled a tray of tea when Kirishima had hollered about some joke he was making. And then was extremely uncomfortable attempting to speak to the following practice when you insisted they all stay for some refreshments.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now