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Ch.2- Exulansis

The walk to the teacher's lounge was quiet. Most of the students having rushed out of the school as soon as the bell rang. Either to hang out or go home or to try and snag a studio before they all got filled up and taken by those who were quicker than them.

You were not as lucky though, seeing as rather than spending your afterschool time doing what you needed to do, such as homework or cleaning your home from the dust that had started to collect on a few of the items scattered about... you were instead waiting outside the teacher's office. The sounds of your sensei carried through, his dry voice seeming to continue to berate the person currently in his hold.

You almost felt bad, having heard from rumors at the start of the year how much of a harsh grader Aizawa-sensei was. You tried to drown it out, seeing as you might have enough time to make a quick run to the nearby vending machine at the end of the hallway. You'd be able to see the teacher's lounge by the machine and could sprint back if it meant you needed to get your butt into the room.

Your pace was slower now that you knew you had a few seconds of time to fetch an iced peach tea from the machine. You inserted the spare change you kept in the small coin purse always hanging from your person in a cute pouch with a small embroidered hearts.

Next to you stood two girls from another class, giggling excitedly at something they were watching on one of their phones. Your eyes happening to catch onto a few seconds as you idly sipped your drink next to the vending machine.

One girl pointed excited towards a male on the screen who was swinging his body across the screen. Another male next to him copying the same moves before a female jumped over the pair and then fell into sync with the two beside her.

Your eyes widened as you recognized the group further, but it wasn't the group that was making you suddenly tear a quick gaze down the hallway. It was exactly what they were performing and how oblivious these two girls were. They had been so engrossed in their performance, that neither had seen you looking over their shoulders.

"Ah! Red Riot and Chargebolt are so cool! They really are in sync with one another, huh Ai-chan?!"

"Pinky is just as amazing though! She holds them all together!"

The two continued to chat, unaware of the eyes watching from so close with a look of disbelief in them. How could they be so reckless? Did they forget the biggest rule that existed here? Or were they that confident that they would not get caught, despite being in the open.

You sighed, clearing your throat. The noise startled the girls and quicker than you expected, one of the girls had put her phone to sleep and shoved the device back into her bag hanging off her shoulder.

"I'd be more careful if you're going to be watching that sort of thing at UA." You muttered, the tone you used no doubt telling the females you knew of what they were watching. "After all... even watching it on school grounds could be disastrous to your record and possible opportunities in the future."

The two girls quickly nodded, seeming to have thanks written across their faces that you would not tattle on them. And as they rushed away, no doubt off to watch the video of the breakdancing group elsewhere, you couldn't help but sign.

Wandering back to your seat outside of the office that still had your teacher rambling away at the poor soul inside, you decided to sit in silence. Nothing but the sounds of footsteps or doors rattling from somewhere else.

You were not sure why your mind was thinking of the video you had seen though. The moves you had seen performed always seeming to make you feel uneasy. The way those dancers seemed to twirl, spin, and push their bodies in ways that were so different than your own.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now