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Ch.47 - Anthrodynia

He wasn't sure how long it had been since he took off running through UA's long ass courtyard, but something inside of him just screamed at him that he needed to be here and look here for the missing ballerina.

He knew you wouldn't just up and leave everyone... it wasn't who you were. But he also knew that despite all the bravery you were showing lately... you were dancing on the edges of a possible breakdown. And all it took would be one reminder of the way things truly were in your home life to possibly make you shut down again.

He wouldn't stand for it though. No, Bakugou was about ready to throw hands and get himself expelled for a second time if he so much as saw your parents doing anything to ruin the hard work you had put into making yourself happy, and trying to make your friend's dreams a reality once more.

But he knew how people truly were... and daughter or not... your parents would enforce their own ideas onto you, especially now with an apparent rebellious phase, by any means possible. Whether it was emotional, physical, mental... or taking you back to your lonesome tower kicking and screaming.

They had truly misjudged him, though, if they thought they could get away with it without him so much as kicking and screaming right back at them. He was ready to fight for you... he was also ready to beat the shit out of some stuck up adults who needed a fucking wake up call.

Bakugou's feet stopped suddenly as he looked out over the slightly snow covered ground. A few of the cherry blossom trees that were on campus had some buds beginning to appear but were still nowhere near blooming. They needed much more sunlight, water and care to truly reveal their hidden beauty to this dull world.

As he looked out amongst the vacant trees, his crimson orbs landed onto a set of three figures. A male marching forward, and a female around his age besides him. Even from this distance, he could hear the name calling and arguing. Behind them, one of her wrists clasped in each of their hands was a young female around his age.

Her denim jacket was being pinched by the fingers of her mother as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world. Her father was carrying the daughter's leg warmers and other small accessories, grip tight enough to break or strangle the items. All the while the girl was walking with her head down, being tugged forcefully along while her parents shouted at one another and then both turning to take further aggressions out onto her in the name of 'proper parenting'.

"Fucking found you, you bastards..." Bakugou breathed darkly, taking off into a sprint for you and your parents.

He wasn't going to lose you now, especially when you were in his line of vision. The sounds of his approaching and loud echoing footsteps, however, didn't give him any way to sneak up on your parents and free you from them.

Instead, upon turning and seeing one of the 'bad influences' approaching with a terrifying face, your parents shoved you behind them as they came to face Bakugou. Three sets of intense eyes and one pair begging for all this to stop before it even started.

"She has a final in ten minutes." Bakugou held back his anger, wanting to not get into a huge brawl with little time.

"No, she doesn't not." Your father spoke. "As punishment for not obeying family rules, we will be taking her home and enlisting private tour lessons from approved UA staff and instructors from now on."

Bakugou grit his teeth, anger starting to seep out more than he could control. But he knew he had to keep it together somehow. Attacking just because he couldn't control himself was childish... and something he couldn't do for your sake. You had, after all, been subjected to that immature way of thinking enough and he for sure was not going to become that way as well.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now