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Ch.8 - Keyframe

The lights of the day were finally starting to disappear as the sun was on its descent. The pair of females walking home were quiet among the dimming of natural light as the street lamps above began to turn on. Their voices speaking, but only loud enough for the other to hear.

A smile grew on your features as Yaoyorozu continued on about the new project the two of you had spent the last three hours drafting. Her shining black eyes looking at you with excitement.

"I'll draft the piano pieces this weekend." She rambled on. "And then come Monday we can start to put music and dance together."

She paused a moment, looking at you with a curious expression. Her mood having changed suddenly, as if she had realized something, which knowing Yaoyorozu... she had. You glanced at her, eyes urging the other female to speak her mind and worries to you.

"What is it?" You vocalized, head tilting to the side slowly.

"Well... you said this piece was a partner piece." She spoke, glancing to the side. "So I was curious who your partner was going to be?"

You fought back the expression that wanted to take over your face. Your mood wanted nothing more than to show annoyance with this question... as you had grown tired of hearing people talking about it these last few days. But for Yaoyorozu's sake, you pushed through your emotions and instead decided to not let the female worry for you.

She had no reason to after all, and you really didn't wish for her to dive deeper into your personal affairs. So you decided to put a stop to it here and now.

"Nothing to worry about, Yaoyorozu-san." You nodded to her, coming to a stop at a break in the road. "I already have a few people in mind and will be seeing if any of them are interested this weekend as well."

The taller female clapped her hands and smiled brightly at you. "Oh, wonderful! I hope to have the pleasure to meet your partner and his music partner as well come Monday!"

You nodded and watched as she started to head towards the direction of the train station. Meanwhile, you still had another few blocks to go until you were at your own station. And so with a polite goodbye from both you and your music partner, the two of you separated and went your own ways home.

The next five minutes seemed to have been calm and quiet for you, or at least until you happened to pass by a convenience store. Someone inside having come storming out the moment you happened to walk by the doors. The pair of you colliding and nearly knocking each other onto their pavement below.

"Watch it you-" A deep and growling voice began, only to dip down lower when he noticed who had come knocking into him. "-Oh... it's you."

"Bakugou-san." You sighed, raising back onto your feet and wiping the invisible dirt off your skirt. "Have a good weekend."

You turned to leave, hoping your short and slightly sweet way of showing him you were not interested in speaking to him again after today's events would actually work out. But as your wrist was grabbed and you were held back from continuing on... you knew that Bakugou willingly not having the last word just never happened.

Your (eye color) orbs turned to look at him, seeing as he reached into his small plastic bag and took out a can of soda. His crimson orbs never once leaving your as he opened the can, a small cracking of the carbonation sounding. You were not sure of what kind of intimidation he was trying to pull on you once again... but it definitely was not working.

And so, despite how childish it was, you started to lean his way. Your weight adding on more to his hand and him having to adjust himself to support you with the slight addition you were adding to him. It was something a child would do, adding dead weight onto someone else, you knew that very much... but you just wanted to go home and worry about what to do for Monday. Yaoyorozu was expecting a partner after all...

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now