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Ch.44 - Onism

"Let's make this quick." Aizawa said as Yamada shut and locked both doors into the faculty lounge.

"Yes... before Todoroki-san or the terror duo try to finish this..." Yamada laughed, staying by the doors to guard them.

"First of all..." Nedzu spoke up. "On behalf of Yuuei Academy Staff... please accept our apologies for this situation. We never once assumed the PTA would one day gain this much power over us... and so this situation is our fault completely."

"No shit." Bakugou snarled, feeling both you and Kirishima kick him into silence.

"Why.. why did the PTA come to exist?" You asked the headmaster.

"Back in the eighties... UA went through a period where we were in danger of being shut down. The outrage that came from the parents was more than we expected and even more surprisingly they asked to make donations of their own... and thus we created the UA PTA to allow the parents to have a say in what their money was going towards." Nedzu spoke, then sighed.

"However... by the nineties, things changed for the worst." Midnight took up the narrative. "We didn't create a donation cap, so families like the Todoroki's and (Last Name)'s became over 75% of our budget and thus started to push for them to have even more control. The first warning coming thanks to Hizashi and Shouta's class... and the banning of breakdancing."

"Since then... we've been looking for ways to have UA break out of this PTA hold and get funding from dance and music museums, patrons, and the government. And at the current moment, we have caught the attention of enough possible yearly donors to make around 75% of our current budget we receive from the PTA." Nedzu continued. "Though... our plan seems to have come up short, as now you all are either leaving or being expelled."

"Therefore..." Aizawa cleared his voice. "We have a proposition."

The dark haired male turned to look directly at you and Bakugou. "Once a year, we invite the public to view a specific student's end of the year performance. This year... the student we choose will be host to our new possible donors. Meaning the student we choose will determine if UA becomes a publicly funded and government funded school, or if we are forced to remain a private one and have the PTA continue making the calls... despite the staff's aversion to it."

Silence filled the room, but everyone seemed to know exactly what student the staff wanted to showcase to all these possible faces. You could feel your stomach drop, heart racing quickly.

"I'll do it." You nodded towards them. "So long as you promise that you'll allow me and everyone the chance to take exams and final performances if this works out."

"Of course." Toshinori nodded. "We wouldn't offer this unless we were prepared to right the wrongs done here."

"Hold on!" Bakugou called out, holding an arm in front of you. "You're telling me that you're going to put this entire thing on her? What happens if your shitty donors pull out? All of you walk away fine! But (Name)... you're going to let her live with the guilt of it!"

"Bakugou, if you knew any of us then you know that isn't the case." Aizawa spoke up, trying his best to still be a teacher to a student who no longer was that.

"Aizawa-sensei-" Toshinori rose a hand to the guest teacher. "If I may."

Aizawa nodded, watching as Toshinori rose from his seat and started walking towards the group of students. Them all watching him with curious, but now untrusting, expressions as well.

"Yesterday... I witnessed a performance unlike any other I have seen in years. My judging of the city showcase was supposed to be just a small public appearance... but watching you all perform and dance so in sync with one another changed me in a way.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now