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Ch.48 - Zielschmerz

The backstage area was silent, making the sounds of running feet that much louder. Immediately, the four people who had been sitting impatiently or pacing around nervously all looked with wide and hopeful eyes towards the entrance. Relief flooding their systems once they saw the faces of their missing friends once more.

Bakugou rushed in with you, immediately handing you off to Mina. The pink haired girl taking you and then the clothes from Bakugou. She understood enough what he was asking her to do, and she'd be sure to put on your clothing again and make it look just as good as it had been before.

"Dude! Thank the Gods you're back!" Kirishima looked to have narrowly avoided a heart attack. "Yao-Momo has been stalling for almost fifteen minutes!"

"She better be able to stall for another five then!" Bakugou spoke, quickly fixing any parts of his attire that needed to be fixed and then putting on his black sneakers.

You were silent as Mina worked on you, unable to take your eyes off your boyfriend. He must have felt your eyes on him, as he turned to look at you. Your eyes wide and you motioning slowly towards your cheek. He seemed to have understood your concern and he shrugged.

"I'm fine." He shrugged looking to Kirishima. "Shitty Hair has clocked me in the face worse during our martial arts training than your shitty mother ever could."

You nodded slowly, your last concern residing for now as Mina was finishing ruffling your outfit. Bakugou was also being swarmed now, the boys asking him if your mother was the one to cause the slightly bruised mark on his cheek. The ash blonde telling them each to shut up, as he needed to focus on what he was about to do.

"Where's Rozu-chan?" You asked Mina, the female motioning towards the stage.

"Listen and you'll hear her." Mina responded and after a moment of silence, it was true.

Soft piano music filtered in past the curtains and you blinked. She was out playing piano under some sort of guise of an opening act or another lie to buy you all time. You inhaled slowly, calming yourself. Once more, you were overjoyed to have made this partnership with her... as Yaoyorozu proved continually how kind, patient, and dedicated she was to her friends.

"She told the audience we were having lighting troubles and it would be a few minutes until they got it fixed... she had Kami, Kiri, and Sero wheel out a piano and she's been playing ever since." Mina laughed lightly. "The audience has been loving it, so it looks like the music department might also be getting a funding boost from these new donors."

"That's great." You smiled lightly. "I'm so thankful for you all though... you really saved me today."

"It's what friends do, you silly rich girl." Mina pinched your cheeks lightly. "And as much as I want to hear the piping hot tea as to how Bakugou got slapped by your mother and what happened to you... you have a dance to do!"

Mina gently shoved you towards Bakugou, who was waiting for you. Both of you dressed to the nines and looking ready to show off all your hard work and patience from the last half year. You inhaled sharply once more, nerves present much much more manageable seeing as he was right beside you and ready to go.

"Ready?" Bakugou looked at you, Kirishima rushing out to tell Yao-Momo it was time to cease her stalling.

You nodded. "Yes."

Bakugou nodded. "Let's fucking wow these stingy rich fucks then!"

You giggled, hearing a quick end of the music and then the sounds of wheeling it off elsewhere. Your legs getting into position for when the curtain would rise and the sounds of the music would begin to play.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now