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Ch.46 - Funkenzwangsvorstellung

You inhaled slowly, stretching your legs as best you could in the practice room that you and your partner had been placed into. UA's finals were in full swing now, and it so happened you had your pas de deux scheduled as the last one on the first day of finals. It made sense, seeing as all the important guests who would be coming over would need a later evening show so they would be off work or other responsibilities.

"Kaminari! Stop touching stuff!" Mina was yelling from a few feet back, making you tilt your head until you were looking at your 'prep team' upside down.

Kaminari was laughing, seeming to be trying to and be stealing the press-on patches the pink haired girl was using. Kaminari was looking through the selection Mina had picked up from a local thrift store that morning, golden eyes scanning each one and him shaking his head.

"Bakugou's not gonna wear any of those..." Kaminari told the female, her eye twitching.

"Kaminari-san." Yaoyorozu was on major mood relief today, it seemed. "These patches are for (Last Name)-san. The ones that Kirishima picked out are over on the boy's side."

"Oh..." Kaminari laughed, running over to Kirishima as he ironed on the patches.

"Fucking noisy idiots..." Bakugou grumbled beside you, doing some stretches of his own.

You laughed. "I don't mind it... it's better than sitting in here in uncomfortable silence."

Bakugou shrugged. "Just wish they wouldn't damn scream..."

You turned your body, making sure your arms were getting the attention they needed as well. Bakugou rolled his eyes as Kaminari came over with waters, saying something about keeping hydrated.

It was clear that out of everyone here... Yaoyorozu was the calmest. You and Bakugou had a dance to do, but Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina... they all showed up and offered to help in any way possible, seeing as they felt the need to do something to help out the two people who could change their current standing expulsion to acceptance into the dream school once more.

Thus, Mina and Yaoyorozu were making finishing touches on your costume. Kirishima and Sero on Bakugou's. And Kaminari... well, he was trying to do something but seemed to also be annoying the already stressed teens. The poor male now reduced to water boy.

"Thank you." You took a water bottle, having a long and cool sip of the drink.

Kaminari left Bakugou's next to him, going back to Yaoyorozu to ask what she wanted him to do next. In his mind, she was the boss. You were just happy they all had shown up, and that the staff had managed to get them all inside.

With the amount of UA PTA board members inside, you worried about Bakugou getting back in, let alone the rest of them. But the staff was smart and said today, as well as all other finals performance days, were open to the public. Meaning since the expelled students were part of that public, they could all be allowed inside UA once more.

It had been a while since you all had even been in the halls of UA, and it felt longer than it should have when you all started walking through the hallways this afternoon. Your classmates had all dropped by at one point or another today. Many expressing thoughts of good luck, others agreeing that UA had gone way too far with this and that they hoped everyone would be back soon.

Even Todoroki and Midoriya had stopped by after their finals. Midoriya expressing his displeasure over the expulsion of his childhood friend, and Bakugou telling him he wasn't looking for 'his fucking pity.' Todoroki was different, going as far as to say he wasn't surprised his 'prick' of a father had done this. As it turned out... you and Todoroki had more in common about parent issues than you both knew.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now