La Gaudière

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Ch.20 - La Gaudière

Your pacing back in forth in front of the elevator had been going on nonstop for the last five minutes, your mind wandering and trying to remember if you had forgotten anything important or needed for the party you were about to have. Some part of you feeling like you had forgotten something major. It was likely after all... you had never had this type of get together in your home before... and so last minute as well!

By some miracle though, you had snagged a little over half the class saying they would come. Maybe it was Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero's influence... but seeing how twelve guests were slated to arrive tonight you were nervous.

Your phone vibrated, a message from the pizza delivery Uber saying he was in the lobby with the pizzas and to come get them. You messaged him back saying you were on your way down and you'd see him in a minute. You slipped on a pair of fuzzy slippers and got into the elevators. Guests would be arriving in another fifteen minutes, so you were grateful that the food was here early and would be ready for when all the possibly hungry teens arrived.

As you entered the lobby and exchanged ownership of the pizzas to yourself, the delivery guy commenting on how he hoped your party would be good you turned back to the elevator.

"Ah! (Last Name)-san!" An excited female's voice called out as the familiar doorman recognized her and let her in without her having to buzz your apartment.

"Ashido." You blinked while holding the boxes up. "Awe, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero too."

The group of four seemed to have made the friendly doorman no longer worry about what they were doing here and instead just let them in whenever they pleased now. Especially since they came around four times a week or more... he kinda already knew the only place they were heading.

"Ready for a super fun movie night!" Ashido smiled excitedly, holding up a set of plastic cartons. "I brought cupcakes!"

"Chips!" Kaminari yelled excitedly, holding up two overly stuffed plastic bags full of various kinds of chips.

"I thought some soda would be appreciated..." Sero muttered, seeing as he brought not as much as the other.

"I brought juice for those who don't like soda." Kirishima chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh goodness!" You blinked suddenly. "I'm glad the two of you brought drinks... I forgot about those! I was about to only serve water and tea... how stupid of me!"

Your eyes looked down negatively and before someone would let you wallow in your inexperience of hosting a party, Kirishima had asked Sero to take his juice boxes and took half of the pizzas from you.

Even then... he was still carrying what he assumed to be ten boxes of pizza. At that point, everyone kinda realized just how many large pizzas you had ordered as they bordered the elevator.

"That's a lot of pizza..."Kaminari muttered.

"I wanted to get one pizza for every person in class in case more people showed up by some miracle." You informed them. "Plus... I wasn't sure how much was too much or too little."

"I think it's safe to say we have enough pizza for the night and maybe tomorrow morning..." Kirishima chuckled as you all arrived at your floor.

You tossed Kaminari your keys since he could easily shift one bag of chips into the other hand and then opened the door with ease. Immediately all of you dumped your food onto your large and mostly unused dining table. Ashido had taken it upon herself to start organizing the table and soon enough somewhat of an organized layout was there.

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