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Ch.4 - Recollection

(AN- Ch.4 takes place at the same time as Ch.3. Hope this helps with understanding what's happening.)

"There is way too much testosterone in this group!" The lone female cried, waving her arms around in annoyance.

Around her, the four males all lifted their eyes to their female counterpart. The girl with the dyed pink hair seemed very upset at the current moment, more then she had been in recent weeks. She seemed to really be in the mood to rant today, as this was not the only complaint flying from her lips today.

"And these masks are another thing!" She fished out the Tanuki one that was in her dance bag. "It's not even cute! What cute raccoon has this weird mustache!"

"Maybe 'cause it's not a raccoon, Ashido." The redhead laughed awkwardly. "It's a tanuki and they typically have whiskers that look a bit more like facial hair."

He gestured to the dark black whiskers that, in Ashido's defense, did look a bit like a thick mustache. But then again... tanuki masks were hardly ever cute. The redhead himself wondering why his pink-haired companion had decided on this yokai in the first place if she wanted something cuter.

"Kirishima... you're not helping." Ashido whined, then pointed towards the ash blonde who was silently scrolling through his phone. "It's not fair... Bakugou has the cutest one of us all! And he's the scariest looking one of us all!"

Bakugou rose a glance towards the female, a disgusted frown on his features. His lips quivering and eyes twitching in irritation. Kirishima quickly noticing and waving his arms between the pair and trying to not cause yet another fight.

"C-come on Ashido! Bakugou didn't choose the masks... Kaminari did!" Kirishima tried to not make Bakugou explode, only realizing what he did a moment later.

"Hey man!" Kaminari was quick to jump on now. "Don't throw me under the bus! I bought exactly what you all asked for, not my fault these tourist masks look the way they do..."

The final member of their five-member team chuckled next to the male with the black lightning strike in his hair. His own shade of hair matching the lightning bolt, and his smile matching the laughter erupting from his lips.

"Let's all just relax." Sero pat Kaminari on his back comfortingly. "All our masks are cool, and help hide our faces... so let's only complain if they are not doing what they are supposed to do."

"Sero's right." Kirishima nodded, seeing as Ashido sighed, crossing her arms but the anger spell having passed over her. "And besides, I think your mustache tanuki mask is cute."

Ashido laughed softly, playfully hitting Kirishima on his arm. Kirishima smiled widely, seeing as the girl was once more starting to get back to her normal happy-go-lucky attitude. And a happy Ashido meant that the group dynamics would also be in better spirits.

"Fine, I'll keep being your manly raccoon... but I do think we should seriously consider adding another girl to our group..." The girl urged her friends.

"Why?" Kaminari shrugged. "We've been doing well with only you so far."

"Why?!" Ashido almost yelled but silenced herself among the small underpass they were all currently hanging out in. "Because it's hard to be the only one out of us all who's doing all the more agile and delicate moves! You guys forget that I can only do so much... so unless one of you guys wants to be Bakugou's throw dummy..."

The other three males deadpanned, remembering how recently Ashido had been struggling to pair and sync with their fearless leader's harsh way of leading their newest dance. Since both teens tended to be the leaders when it came to their crew... it was proving difficult for either to follow the other.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ