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Ch.31 - Silience

(Wattpad refuses to upload moodboard again, so it'll be up later)

You had never been to this part of UA before, seeing as you would always stick to the main building and the dance studios... but seeing as UA had many more buildings all for dances and music production outside of your own expertise, made you curious just what exactly students could get away with... if a little teacher permission was granted.

And thus, you search for this answer had lead you to your own classmate who was not only in a similar situation as yourself but much more rebellious than you could ever be. But seeing as he had a rocky relationship with his father who was also the head of the dreaded UA PTA... you could only assume Todoroki-kun's strange hair and ice skating practice was him seeing how far his rebellion could go so long as Todoroki Enji got his way in the end.

A prodigy son involved in the dance world... but rather than it being through the same type of dancer Enji had been, it appeared Todoroki was taking after his mother and going after ice skating instead.

So as you opened the doors to the ice rink, you were greeted with the sight of said classmate on the ice and practicing as a slow piano sound started to roll through the speakers positioned high above. Ice scraping against the blades on his feet as he glided back and forth, lifting up a leg and twirling quickly as he moved with precision and grace.

You were left in awe watching him, seeing as he had yet to notice you watching from behind the bleachers near the entrance, and thus was in his own world of uninterrupted focus and passion. Truly amazing... Todoroki was more than likely one of the best dancers in your class, and maybe even better than yourself. He certainly gave off a wave of radiating confidence and skill you knew you could never achieve. Every part of his performance made you unable to look away... as any dancer should be able to do.

The piano suddenly picked up, adding in a tune of guitar, violin, and what sounded to be some light drums as well and Todoroki was going along with it like it was nothing. His body having gone from elegant and civilized to now something more modern and free. It, of course, had no sense of street... since he was on skates, but from the turns and twists he was doing it was clear your peer wanted nothing to do with ordinary skating routines.

"Hmm?" Someone spoke from beside you. "(Last Name)-san?"

You squeaked a little bit, turning to see another classmate of yours in front of you but coming from what appeared to be a hallway towards where you could only assume to be the audio-visual room. His green hair as messy and curly as ever and his eyes blinking slowly as he saw you standing and watching.

"Midoriya-kun." You breathed out. "Oh goodness... you scared me."

"Sorry. Sorry." He apologized and then gave you a curious, if not innocent gaze. "What are you doing here though? It's usually just Todoroki-kun and I."

You laughed sheepishly, pulling out the video camera from your bag and flashing Midoriya a smile. He blinked, nodding to you and leading you to the best place to set up the equipment in his opinion.

After another minute and a half, the music came to a close and Todoroki returned back to this reality from the one he put himself in during his performance and skated over to where you were explaining your project to Midoriya.

"(Last Name)?" Todoroki spoke, making you turn and wave a little to him.

"Hi, Todoroki-kun." You spoke. "You were really wonderful out on the ice."

Todoroki blinked and then smiled softly towards you. "Thank you... I've been working hard for my final this semester. Besides that though, I'm curious why you are here?"

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now