Nodus Tollens

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Ch.16 - Nodus Tollens

"I think we should call it good for tonight." Kirishima heaved, sweat dripping down his face.

"I agree..." Kaminari walked towards where you had laid out some face towels and started to dry his face of his own sweat. "I feel like if I did one more flip I'd end up passing out on (Last Name)'s floor."

"I can always throw a blanket over you if that happens." You told the blonde with the lightning bolt in his hair.

Kaminari chuckled. "As much as I appreciate your hospitality... I should get home. My mom's gonna kill me if I didn't come home. Plus... its ramen night!"

"Awe lucky." Sero whined. "My dad's cooking tonight... so whatever it turns out to be is gonna be inedible. Maybe I'll get something small to eat near the station before heading home."

"Learn to cook for yourselves." Bakugou grumbled, throwing his stuff into the storage box he used.

"For once I agree with Bakugou." Ashido nodded along. "Plus... food always tastes so much better when you make it yourself!"

You entered the changing room and started to change into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, seeing as you had nothing else to do tonight aside from eat and maybe study a little bit. Possibly even watch some anime before dozing off.

It wasn't terribly late, nearing six in the evening. And after about two hours of practice, everyone was ready to call it a night. Ashido seemed impressed enough with your skills after yesterday's session... and thus you and her were finally done with lessons and you were now joining on for the full two hours of planning and dancing like the others.

"What about you, (Last Name)?" Kaminari asked you as you came out of the changing room. "You cook anything good?"

"Oh. I don't cook." You told him, ruffling your hair.

"You live alone though..." Kaminari didn't understand.

"I usually just buy whatever from the nearby restaurants or convenience stores." You responded. "Never was taught how to cook... so I'm a tad bit worried I might set fire to my home."

"It's super easy!" Ashido told you as she appeared changed and ready to embark home. "I should teach you sometime!"

You blinked at her, and then looked downward. Ashido knew that look by now and she pulled back a little bit, not wanting you to close her off. Her hand patting your shoulder as she walked past you.

"Of course only if you want!" She walked up next to Kirishima. "Anyway... we'll see you all tomorrow in class! Have a good night guys!"

"See ya, Ashido! Kiri!" Kaminari waved as he locked his case. "Oh man... now that I think about it, I think I might have some spare change on me. Sero! Let's go get some takoyaki before heading home!"

Sero nodded, looking to Bakugou who was taking his time it appeared. The male having only taken off his mask and put it in his locker. His orange and black attire still on his body and his change of clothes under his arm.

"You want us to wait for you, Bakugou?" Sero spoke to the ash blonde. "Or should we 'get lost'?"

"What do you think?" He grumbled and aggressively slammed the changing room curtain shut.

"I'm guessing 'get lost'." Kaminari laughed and he and Sero moved quickly to catch up to Ashido and Kirishima who were waiting for the elevator.

Looks like it'd be the four social members going out for some takoyaki before each went their own ways home. None really batting an eye to how Bakugou was hanging behind, their minds too full of hunger and exhaustion to really show a care.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now