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Ch.5 - Altschmerz

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

"There's no use for that mask now... not when I already saw your face."


And while you didn't appreciate his grip on your wrist was so tight to cause the blood circulation to be cut off... you really couldn't blame him. Not when the stakes for his education and future were now possibly threatened by you.

Bakugou had every right to be angry at this moment, and you had every right to regret trying to throw the can into the trash instead of just walking up, disposing of it and carrying on your way.

But... that's not how it happened. And now, you'd have to deal with the consequences.


But as he tugged (Name) away from any more eyes and under the underpass he had assumed hid him... the male knew what had to be done. And while he had known it might be the best idea to try and convince her in his own way to keep her mouth shut... he would not let anyone, let alone the lonesome ballerina ruins his dreams.

He had come too far, passed by too many obstacles, and worked around the challenges facing him to give up now. And she was going to understand that and bend to his will, no matter how many protests her voice would hold... he was going to convince her to stay quiet.

He had to.

As this entire scenario was everything to him. And he'd be damned to lose it because of a shitty mask shaped like a fox.


The sun was nearly set now, casting a fading light on the figures of a male and female hiding under a concrete underpass by a small flowing river. Each gazing at each other as with unseen words and emotions, but neither stepped down.

The ash blonde worried about his future now that someone he couldn't trust had found out his biggest secret. And the female with hair the shade of (hair color) watching him, but her own mind too focused on the problems that had already been occupying her mind.

And now, the two had been brought together and would soon reach an impasse unless the other was willing to work with the other. But...with the running thoughts and feelings present in each of their heads... two immovable forces were about to collide.

His grip on your wrist finally subsided when he released it. Sure, he had done so by nearly throwing you into the wall of concrete that was currently covering the both of you from any other onlookers. And from the way his carmine eyes still burned with an unsettling rage, you could tell that the physical harshness was soon to be replaced with verbal ones instead.

You merely wiped at your uniform skirt, trying to not look into those angered crimsons much longer. It wasn't that you were afraid of his eyes or that sinking feeling you had about what was about to happen or be said... but rather that you would not give him the time of day if he tried to speak to you like an imbecile or anything less then his peer.

But knowing Bakugou Katsuki... you would not be as lucky. The male was known for his harsh words and stern glares. You had always wondered how Kirishima managed to work with a music partner so brash and crude... but then again, Kirishima was the type of person to be able to work with anyone and everyone. It was just the good nature of the redhead to mesh well with the foul temperament of the ash blonde.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now