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Ch.17- Kenopsia

She wasn't surprised when he left soon after her loss of control. After all, who would want to deal with the bullshit of a peer who clearly had too much baggage? And him of all people would more than likely not be any good at dealing with the inner workings of your psyche.

After him telling her to calm down and take it easy and your words of agreement to it... Bakugou had left. Currently, you were laying against the couch and looking out at the city, trying to ignore the liquid coming from your eyes and the drowning feeling in your chest.

Your body had been filled with liquid fear and despair for so long that you were not surprised that there was excess spilling out from your eyes tonight. Your hands covered by a UA sweatshirt that was too large on you and being the only thing drying the tears in your eyes.

The sounds of the other residences of this building coming and going to wherever their more joyous lives would be were tuned out by you. You were here in your apartment, but at the same time, you felt as if you were standing in the middle of a barren field with green stretching as far as your eye could see. Not knowing how you got here or why you were, but the reaction to find your way out was gone and instead, you accepted that you'd perish there. Your mind was slowly starting to detach itself from reality tonight, the mental exhaustion having hit hard.

Your ankle stung, having caught it awkwardly when you started to fall earlier. Your lack of good teaching causing you and Bakugou to mess up to the point where you had almost ended up the same as Yamada-sensei. The one thing they warned you all about the most while dancing... nearly happening because you were closed off so much as to not trust the partner who had put his trust into you with your deal.

Images of how his hand felt in yours making you bite down viciously on your lip. The smug way he seemed so certain that he'd master ballet simply from having you guide him... gone in the first instance of you attempting to let him in.

Your curse coming back in strides when you saw the look of angered panic on his face. The way his brows knit together and how he was struggling to keep you from falling. Your own damn fault... he could have gotten hurt too. But in any case... at least it was you this time. As minor as the injury on your ankle was and how it'd be good after resting it for the evening... you were glad it was you.

You couldn't imagine what Bakugou would have done if he knew.

You couldn't image the anger he would have had if he had been the one to get hurt in your place.

The rattling of metal was what drew you from your pity party. It sounded as if someone was kicking the metal grate that blocked the entrance to your penthouse room. Lifting your head up from the couch and turning to look at the elevator shaft, you could see someone was resting his leg between two of the metal openings.

"You gonna fucking stare... or am I coming in?" Bakugou clicked his tongue, arms full of white plastic bags.

"Bakugou...san?" You mumbled, quickly wiping the tears from your eyes.

You came over and let him in anyway, not wanting to upset him anymore. The more you interacted with him, the more it would happen after all. Despite him being in your home, you would make sure he had space from you.

As he looked toward the kitchen, he could see you begin to shift away once you locked the grate again. His hands quickly moving to put the pair of shopping bags into one before he grabbed your arm with the other and moving you toward the kitchen with him.

"You're helping me." He growled, pausing once the pair of you were in the kitchen. "You got a rice cooker?"

You blinked, and then nodded. The rice cooker had never been used, as you didn't cook... but you did have one. You got it out of the cupboard and plugged it in as Bakugou tossed you the box of rice.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant