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Ch.27 - Trumspringa

Words and rumors traveled fast in a high school setting. Hushed whispers and shocked looks crossing the faces of everyone who noticed the absence of the ballet prodigy and how the teachers were already aware of her absence on this morning.

The ideas ranged from anywhere of her being sick to having been taken as a hostage and held for ransom. Only a few knew the truth though, and only one peer knew why she was gone. His ears doing his best to ignore the comments made as well as not listening to the little voice inside of his head that was telling him off.

'You were stupid and reckless! This is what happens when you decide to explore more than you were meant to.' His inner voice told him, the graphite of his pencil snapping from the pressure. 'It was foolish to think you could be as gentle and sweet required for someone to fall in love with you... and now, because of it, you hurt her.'

Bakugou sucked in a breath, trying to finish writing down the date on the top of his notebook. But now it looked as if the eight had become a nine from where he snapped the graphite.

"Are you okay today, bro?" Kirishima asked, sensing the emotions Bakugou had been displaying all week had gotten worse this morning.

Bakugou didn't answer, glad that Aizawa was on time to class today and called attention to the front of the class before Bakugou could even consider if and how he should respond. Everyone fell quickly into their seats and their teacher knew he should share a little bit of information on the current state of their ballerina peer.

"As I'm sure you've all seen, (Last Name) is out today." ,He started, looking out among the students and, as expected, saw an ash blonde not looking up at him like the eighteen others. Aizawa sighed, right in his thinking that Bakugou would be too ashamed with himself to even handle the situation, let alone mention it to anyone else.

He'd have to talk to him later... as the boy had made light strides since he teamed up with (Last Name). But now that her pas de deux was over... he'd have to find another way to help and grow him further into the person Aizawa knew Bakugou was capable of being if he was pushed in the right direction.

But before he could do that... he needed to figure out how to help (Last Name). As she was truly doing much worse. Not only was she needing surgery... but now, she was falling apart with the ideas of ruining relationships by her injury.

There were too many burdens to bear and Aizawa was only one tired teacher... he wanted to help them each... but not even he was superhuman.

With a sigh, Aizawa spoke once more. "(Last Name) was in an accident last night. She's currently in the hospital awaiting surgery on her ankle."

The noises of gasps and hitched breath were expected, as was the immediate silence that followed it. Aizawa's black eyes looking back out, and seeing facial expressions matching the vocal reactions.

But Bakugou's stood out again. Even from across the room, Aizawa could see how he viciously was biting his lip, held his head down so his locks covered his eyes and how tightly his hands gripped his desk. The whites of his knuckles seen to the teacher.

"I visited her this morning, and she said she's open to visitors before her surgery tomorrow, but to let her know in advance if you plan to stop by." Aizawa drove on, then pointed to the schedule. "Now, onto the schedule for today. Yamada-sensei plans to start a new unit in English, this one on..."

The rest of Aizawa's usual speech about the daily activities were lost on nearly everyone. After all, having just been told one of their own was hurt and in pain in both the physical, mental and emotional sense left a lot of strain on everyone else as well.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now