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Ch.6 - Lachesism

The chatter had died down immediately when the words slipped from his lips, four pairs of eyes all seeming to strike him at the same instance. The clattering of chopsticks hitting the table, the food now being neglected from the information that had just dropped.

"You what-?" Ashido's voice was the loudest, nearly screaming. Her amber eyes and blond hair moving as she slammed her head against the table, catching the eyes of not only the other males at her table but also a few wandering eyes in the cafeteria.

"Ashido..." Kirishima lightly jabbed her with his elbow. "People are staring... and your wig is showing your dyed hair."

The female quickly used Kirishima's hovering to push the pink strands back into place, her eyes wandering towards the male who had made her almost lose her cover... in more ways than one it appeared.

UA's policy on hair dye was so frustrating, especially since she technically was breaking it. Apparently, having unnaturally dyed hair could promote an uncourteous and ruffian attitude to the rich parents who invested their money into UA, and thus... dyeing your hair outside the acceptable spectrum wasn't allowed.

Kirishima was lucky to have chosen red... as his dyed hair was acceptable to the standards of these rich snobs. But her locks of cotton candy only seemed to propel her further into the idea of her dance crew. And with a pair of golden colored contacts, Ashido Mina tried to make herself seem as alien in her appearance as this school made her feel for the way she expressed herself.

As of late though, she had been clashing with her crew. From not liking being the sole female to being their throwing bag... she was sick of it. But when she had walked away in a huff yesterday, Kirishima trying to calm her down and help her find a better solution than leaving their crew... she would have never guessed that by the time she sat down for lunch on this day, her stress relief would be threatened more than it had been ever before.

"What do you mean she saw you?" Kaminari harshly whispered, noticing how Ashido's outburst had settled for the time being, and now he was the next one to outwardly speak about it. "We wear the masks for this exact reason! And you call me the moron!"

The male in question was gritting his teeth together so harshly that it appeared if he added any more pressure, they would crack. But as Kaminari started to ramble on and on about what was going to happen and how screwed they all truly were, the ash blonde could not hold it in any longer.

"Would you all just fucking shut up for two damn minutes!" He practically screamed, not caring about how the cafeteria silenced for a moment before realizing who was shouting and then going back to their conversations.

"Keep your voice down." Sero sighed, exhausted already.

"Then tell Pinky and Pikachu to calm the hell down for a few fucking minutes!" Bakugou snarled, glaring towards his companions who looked less than pleased with him. "I only said the first damn sentence of an entire story, so settle your asses until I finish. Then you can freak out or whatever..."

His grumbling trailed off as his eyes did as well. Carmine hues catching onto the figure of a lone female making her way away from the lunch line. Whatever she had purchased steaming and a glass of water settled on her plate. Her eyes not even glancing up once to gaze at him, despite him knowing that she could feel them on her.

The pit of anger in his stomach growing deeper, if possible. This girl seemed to always rub him the wrong way, but in this instance, she wasn't even touching him... and yet managed to give him an unsatisfied itch. But eventually, he'd get to relieve it... and when that time came, he knew it would be because he finally convinced you to shut your lips on the matter.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now