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Ch.30 - Chrysalism

"And you're sure you want this to be your plan for the next six to eight weeks?" Aizawa asked you from where you stood in the teacher's office.

"Yes, sir." You told him. "I think it would be the best use of my time while I am out of commission! Plus... I have always been curious as to what drives everyone else's passion."

Aizawa clicked his pen, nodding to you before signing off on your request. UA required students with injuries making them unable to dance or play music to have a project. And you had just submitted your proposal... and now it was approved.

"You can find the video cameras in the AV club." He told you, then waved you off.

"Thank you, Sensei!" You told him and then paused. "Oh... and if it's not too much trouble, please tell Eri-chan I said hi!"

Aizawa blinked, watching as you went. He chuckled a moment afterward, seeing as your time with his daughter had definitely made the pair you of your bond when he took you home from the hospital.

A reminder of the sweet albino girl was also on your cast as you made your way down the halls of UA to find the AV room and rent a video camera for the coming weeks to do your product. Along with five other signatures and the promises today of your other classmates all saying they wanted to sign the cast tomorrow during homeroom.

You smiled to yourself, as you thought of how good your first day back had been. Despite the cast and large boot it came with... everyone was kind and welcoming. You felt that despite the accident... ever since you and Bakugou had reconciled, things had been going well once more.

And now, it was time to head to the 'clubroom' they were renting out today to get back on track with everything. Video camera tucked safely in your own bag you entered the room and spotted how only one other person was in the room.

He looked up from his phone, seeing you. "Looks like at least one moron is on time..."

"Hey, Bakugou." You smiled, taking a seat next to him.

"Aizawa-sensei let you go without any kicking or screaming?"

You chuckled. "I'm not you... so yes. No kicking or screaming."

He bumped his shoulder against yours. "Shut the hell up."

Soon enough, Kirishima and Ashido had arrived, followed by Sero... and then finally Kaminari (who had apparently ended up in the wrong room and scored some cookies from the baking club). And now with everyone back together, it was time for the important matters to take hold.

"Alright since we're all back-" Bakugou started, only to see you lift your hand up. "Um... the fuck are you doing?"

"I have something to say." You told him and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Fine... make it quick, Twinkle Toes." He sighed and sat down next to you once more.

You nodded very matter of factly and then said what you had been thinking about all day.

"We're all friends right?" You began, looking to everyone.

"Yes?" Kaminari spoke, eating the last cookie.

"Good." You nodded. "Well... friends have nicknames for everyone. Therefore... I want to use nicknames for you all from now on!"

It was quite the statement, especially from you. But at the same time, most of the people around you, minus a certain grumpy blonde, seemed very happy and delighted by this.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now