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Ch.7 - Anecdoche

The slight noise of the chopsticks clinking against the bowl didn't help the tense atmosphere. And as you pulled some of the last bits of your meal into your mouth, you couldn't help but notice how three minutes had passed since you had found a seat beside the group of five.

You had kept to yourself, as you always did, but even you'd admit that if they were trying to convince you of something... sitting in awkward silence while you finished your meal was one heck of a way to not do so.

What had happened to your noisy and boisterous classmates who couldn't seem to sit still or be quiet until Aizawa nearly threatened them to do so. You'd have guessed you enter some type of parallel dimension, but, looking on their side, you could understand to the slightest degree why they were a bit nervous to speak up.

And thus... for whatever reason (maybe it being that Bakugou had still yet to take his heated eyes off you since this morning) you decided to speak up first. You cleared your throat, wiping your lips on a napkin before glancing at all those around you.

"I take it the rest of you make up the other members of your after-school group club and its activities..." Your voice dipped down but didn't sound anything other than calm.

"Well... um-" Kaminari began, but you were a bit too quick for him.

"Lying here won't help. It's either a yes or a no." Your eyes batted towards him. "And make sure to pick the right answer... as I can easily get up and leave depending on how honest you each are with me."

Your eyes made their circle around: Kirishima rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, Mina was biting her lip slightly, Sero had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and Kaminari was gulping. The only one who didn't have a tell was Bakugou... but you already knew of his other identity.

"Yeah..." Kirishima was the one to admit the truth to you. "We're all... part of it."

You nodded. "I had a feeling. But I appreciate your honesty with me."

You reached out slowly for your drink, taking a sip. A short-lived one though, as it appeared you had finished it after one small and refreshing gulp. Your lips turned downward for a moment but then refocused on the group.

Seeing as how your lunch was gone and your stomach was full and happy, you could give them your full attention now. And so, you looked across towards them all, pushing your meal away and then nodding to yourself.

"I imagine you're are worried I'm going to say something to Aizawa-sensei... or principal Nedzu... or even the head of the PTA, Todoroki Enji..." You rambled on, naming off anyone who could snap their fingers and get rid of the breakdancers. "But, I don't have any intentions to do so."

The silence after your declaration was something you had expected, as you had assumed none of them would expect you to go along with it. You inwardly chuckled, glad to have thought through your words and actions the night before if this sort of scenario arose.

"Y-you're not?" Ashido stuttered, her eyes growing bigger. "S-seriously?"

You nodded, watching as a few more smiles started to break across the table.

"Oh thank God..." Sero chuckled. "I thought I was gonna have a heart attack..."

"Makes sense that even when Bakugou messes up... it works out in the end." Kaminari frowned, wishing his own luck would be that great.

"Thank you, (Last Name)." Kirishima rose a fist to you from the other side of the table.

All the positivity was short-lived, however, as of course, someone else was still having doubts on the validity of you actually keeping your mouth shut. And this person had no issue speaking up either, seeing as his booming voice carried well.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now