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Ch.32 - Ambedo

One more week.

One more week until this boot came off and you could start your slow physical therapy sessions. Then... after another week or two, you could be back to your prime and not have to worry about making your injury any worse.

And seeing as you had left the 'favorite' group for last, you knew this week would go by rather quickly. Kirishima was always kind and in good spirits, and well... ever since things had been put out into the open about your feelings for Bakugou and his own as well... things had been very very good between you.

And thus, following the instructions Kirishima had texted you, you wandered down the hallway in search of the location you needed to go to. Apparently, it was the room Bakugou had always insisted they practice in and by some miracle, no one else ever reserved the space aside from the pair of them and occasionally Kaminari and Sero.

Last week, Sero and Kaminari were working through lighting effects for the music and dance, so you had not been to this room. Thus you were curious about where exactly Bakugou practiced. And seeing as no one else wanted the space, it was clear to you that no one wanted to separate the male from 'his' space.

After about a ten minute walk through UA's main building, you arrived at the door with the label peeled off, exactly as Kirishima had described it. The room itself was an older part of UA and had yet to be renovated like the majority of the rest of campus. Thus, it looked fairly worn out.

Even so, the sound of heavy drums and electric guitar coming from inside the room let you know you had the right place. Bakugou's mixing of rock and classical couldn't be confused for anything else. And as the drums and guitar drifted off and allowed a solo violin to make its sound, you quietly entered the room.

You found yourself quickly blinded though, seeing as a strobe light was going off right in your general direction as you entered. A flash of multiple colors coming from multiple places making it hard to see or make out anything, let alone anyone in this space.

As you shield your eyes, you could see something strange coming from the middle of this flashing room. A humanoid figure, or rather a humanoid skeleton stopping its movements and then waving towards you. It appeared this strange creature was made of various shades of red glow sticks or reflective tape? Or some substance you were not familiar with.

Right as the skeleton creature stopped waving, the music was stopped suddenly and the lights that had been madly flickering were stopped. The dancing skeleton looked away from you and into a specific point in the darkness.

"Waving isn't part of the fucking routine, Shitty Hair!" That loud voice you knew too well by now shouted through the darkness of the room.

The skeleton shrugged and then suddenly his head was removed and placed in his hands. The skeleton's voice was also familiar to you.

"I know! But our special guest arrived and well... it's kind loud and hard to see in here."

"Huh? What special-" Bakugou started, and flicked on the lights to the room suddenly.

Both you and Kirishima recoiled from the sudden amount of light that invaded your pupils. You wiped at yours until the stinging and tears were gone, and then looked up once more to your two classmates who were looking at you.

"You interrupted practice, Twinkle Toes." Bakugou grumbled, crossing his arms and huffing about something or another.

"O-Oh... sorry..." You apologized, looking rather embarrassed for doing so.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now