Midding (Finale)

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Ch.50 - Midding

Out of all the things that he thought you would fight him back against, he wished it wouldn't be this right here. If anything, he wanted to be able to do this for you, seeing as he had been the one to drag you out here and make sure that he could have his time with you.

But now, it appeared you refused to take no for an answer, and Bakugou was about ready to have a fit over how this nice little dinner date was turning into a petty fight about who should pay the bill.

Both of you had gotten out your cards, and now were each refusing to put them away. You were being stubborn, refusing to hear any words of your boyfriend, seeing as you wanted to treat him tonight.

"For fuck's sake... just let me pay!" He called out, slamming his hand down onto the table. "Isn't the guy supposed to pay on dates anyway?"

You feigned shock and hurt by his words. "You're thinking is so old school, Katsuki! We live in the modern era, so instead of deciding who pays by gender, let's decide who pays by who is much better off than the other!"

Bakugou's eye twitched. "You fucking calling me poor, twinkle toes?"

You shook your head quickly. "No! I'm not! I just want you to save your money for something worth more than dinner... and let me handle this."

He had opened his mouth to speak again when your waiter had grown the nerves to walk back and see if this loud and terrifying table was ready to pay the bill. It had been twenty minutes since he came to drop it off, and the talking was the lowest it had been in that time frame.

"Are we ready for payment?" He asked, looking towards you because you were not as terrifying as the male across from you.

"Yes." You smiled brightly, but then nudged Katsuki's foot with your own under the table. "Here you are. Thank you."

The waiter seemed to eagerly grab the card, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible with the growing aura of death from the male you were having such a light conversation with. If it hadn't been for the laughing and smiles from you... he would have assumed you were here against your will.

"I hate you... so damn much." Bakugou snarled, begrudgingly putting his card away and crossing his arms.

"You have to have modern ideas, Katsuki." You teased him. "It was sweet of you to offer, but I don't want it to be because we both feel like there is some gendered hierarchy we have to follow. Next time you can pay... we'll rotate off, alright?"

He rolled his eyes, then calmed down the menacing looks and feelings he was giving off. "Since when did you become so damn progressive?"

"Since Mina and Kaminari decided to teach me about all sorts of things over the break." Your eyes lit up suddenly. "I also finally know what flossing is... and we should never do it! It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen!"

Bakugou rose a lip in disgust. "I'm offended you think the thought would ever cross my damn mind..."

You burst into laughter, throwing a hand up to your lips to stop any possible spit from flying since his words had caught you so off guard. You knew the reply would be rude, but you didn't think it would be this good. He genuinely sounded offended as well, which made you laugh even harder.

"Enjoying yourself over there?" Bakugou rose a brow at you. "Damn moron..."

You eventually managed to calm yourself down and looked back over to the male who had been watching you and your giggle fit. He had his arms crossed, but his features had gotten a bit softer, as if your laughter was a soothing sound to the beast that resided inside of him.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now