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Ch.29 - Anchorage

The morning was a hassle. From your father having left you in Aizawa's care to get back home after your surgery to Aizawa coming before your surgery to say he'd pick you up after dinner to take you back home and to Yaoyorozu showing up an hour before your surgery to give you the materials from the day... nothing seemed to calm you.

Soon enough though, you were put under and within a few short hours, woke up once more to the familiar room you had been staying in with more numbness and fog in your head than days before. An ankle and foot suspended up and a cast wrapped around it so it would heal properly.

A nurse was in the room when you had woken up and after a long speech from your doctors about a successful surgery and how everything was looking fine and that within three hours you'd be dismissed to go home... he and the nurse were gone.

The room didn't stay silent or empty for long though, as suddenly your guests who had been waiting were allowed in and they practically stormed you.

"She lives!" Kaminari wiggled his fingers in a way that made you chuckle weakly.

"Yes... I'm still alive by a miracle. Who knew ankles surgeries were not risky for your life..." You spoke with a smile on your features, Kaminari chuckling at your pathetic joke.

"You look pretty tired though..." Sero smiled sadly at you. "Rough surgery?"

"I don't remember a thing... only a needle putting me to sleep in here, and then waking up in here... but now with a boot..."

"Ohhhh! Can I sign the cast, (Last Name)?!" Ashido already had a pen in her hands.

You nodded and watched as she gently started to do so.

"I guess a sleepy surgery is better than one you wake up during... right?" Kirishima tried to lighten the mood and to his luck, it worked as you laughed again.

Soon enough they had all signed your cast and you were smiling down at their names littering your cast. Your eyes cast downward though, seeing as it was four and not the five as had been promised to you.

"Hey Kiri.. do you think Bakugou would want to sign his name in the black or this gold one?" Kaminari asked Kirishima and showed the redhead the pens.

You straightened up upon the mentioning of Bakugou's name, actually pulling yourself to be sitting up now. Everyone took notice and exchanged a smile. So... you really were excited to see him again, huh?

Well... they might as well enlighten you then and bring the missing member in since he was being a stick in the mud as he usually was. But a promise was a promise and it was time to fulfill it.

"Speaking of Bakugou..." Ashido spoke, seeing as Kirishima tapped Kaminari and Sero on their shoulders, the the trio all turned around and left.

Ashido didn't bat an eye about this, continuing on as if the boys hadn't just walked out in unison. "He's been hovering outside the door... apparently too chicken to come any closer."

You jumped a little as you heard the sounds of loud protest, hushing, and then the sounds of feet moving in random and someone seeming to be struggling against a mob of others and quickly losing. In the next second, all three boys who had left were back, forcefully pulling a fuming Bakugou in with them.

He was practically dragged in by the three other boys. Apparently, Bakugou's stubbornness and strength needed three other boys just as fit and stubborn to overpower him. Either way, Ashido stood by the door, giving Bakugou a deadly glare and pointing toward you.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now