La Cuna

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Ch.34 - La Cuna

Aizawa nodded, taking your USB drive and placing it on his desk and near the computer. His hands grabbing onto a pen and writing down a note to himself on a sticky note before placing it on the edge of his computer and right above your USB.

"Good work these last few months." He told you, then glanced down at your wrapped leg. "If your doctor gives you approval tomorrow, then I look forward to seeing you back to your regular activities next week."

You bowed, thanking your teacher for all his help and kindness as of late and how grateful you were to him. Slowly you began to walk out but paused when your teacher called out your name once more.

"If I like it, and you want-" He began, looking at you from his desk in the teacher's lounge. "Then... come the end of the year, we'll show your film to the school as a viewing."

You blushed at the thought of so many people watching your film, but then slowly nodded. "If you think it's good enough for that, sir... then I don't think I can say no."

In the next moment, you bid your goodbye and was out of sight. Your teacher only chuckling softly to himself, wondering where this new student came from and how she had blossomed so fast in less than five months.

Five minutes later, you arrived in the small club room Vindicous had been doing all their secret activities in as of late. And as you stepped inside, you noticed your new 'manager' as yourself, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima had taken to calling her, was here as well.

Yaoyorozu had also brought along an instant teapot as well and looked to be steeping a few cups. The others were around the table waiting for you and all smiled happily once they saw you enter.

"How did it go?" Ashido was asking you right away.

"Fine! Aizawa-sensei said if he liked it... he might want to show it to the entire school!" You beamed and Ashido lit up as well.

"That's so cool! I'd love to see your film as well!" She smiled and looked excited.

Some more light conversation carried on, but soon the topic moved to the biggest two items the seven of you had been dealing with as of late. Yaoyorozu clearing her throat to get everyone's attention.

"So... if all goes well tomorrow, (Last Name)-san will be back to her usual routines. Vindicous has perfected their dance up to (Last Name)-san's entrance and Bakugou-san has also finished his ballet lessons. So-"

Before the dark-haired female could carry on though, it appeared she had let something slip accidentally that not everyone knew had been going on. And after a moment of letting it sink in, the room was engulfed in laughter and fists banging against the table in a poor attempt to calm down.

Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero were losing it. Kirishima looking a bit lost, as well as yourself and Yaoyorozu. But as the group of three started to point towards Bakugou and do poor ballet moves on their seats, it became clear they had just found out what was happening on Bakugou's end of your deal... and were having quite the ball thinking about it.

Of which... was making a certain ash blonde begin to boil up more and more with each burst of laughter and loud clammering of noise coming from a hand hitting the table.

Bakugou doing ballet?! How could anyone not find it funny? And so, despite the tense mood rising thanks to the ash blonde, none of the three seemed to be able to control themselves and instead started to speak through fits of laughter and poor attempts to calm themselves. Though... it always resulted in a failure since they each found this funnier than anyone else did.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now