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Ch.14 - Slipcast

(AN- Since everyone still seems to want me to keep updating, I'll do my best to do so. So as long as I keep seeing a need to update this fic and others, plan for updates. Also, I won't be able to update Sunday, but expect one Monday.)

You idly flipped through pages in the library book you had in front of you. A smaller stack not too far off with materials of the same topic. You had slightly fallen behind in your history and after getting a grade back with a not so nice mark... you had decided to spend your free period in the library doing study sheets and trying to understand the past material more as well as get a start in the new unit.

It was quite peaceful at the current moment and you had hoped for it to stay that way. But your life had taken a change the last few weeks and thus... it seemed as if interruptions were now just a regular everyday part of your life.

As such, when the chair in front of you was moved to allow the figure to sit down, you barely batted an eye. Only pausing when you had finished scribbling down the dates of the Russo-Japanese war did you look up.

Bakugou was tapping his fingers against the wood of the desk, looking at you with a raised brow. You sighed, closing the history book and looking at him with a curious expression. He didn't need to say anything to let you know he was annoyed and must have been looking for you. You knew him well enough by this point to have that mannerism down.

And so, you motioned for him to speak. Part of you praying he wasn't as noisy as usual in a library of all places. He placed his palms down on the table, giving a quick look around and seeing how no one was in earshot. He supposed that was one of the benefits of you being so anti-social... as there was never anyone around to loom and eavesdrop.

"Why the hell are you in here?" He asked, voice actually keeping with the regulations of the space.

"I wanted to study." You told him. "I do have to keep up a good grade point average."

"You're doing better than Dunce Face... so do you really have anything to worry about?"

You hummed. "Your parents must be easy to impress then..."

He clicked his tongue. "So the stereotypes of rich parents being hard to impress true then?"

You shrugged. "It's more their expectations that I have the hardest time with... but that's a conversation neither you nor I want to have. So why did you seek me out, Bakugou-san?"

His gaze was elsewhere, seeming more interested in clicking his pen then looking at you. You didn't mind, knowing you could multitask as well, and returned to writing down the influential figures of the Russo-Japanese war.

"It's been what... two, three weeks since we made our deal?" Bakugou spoke, brow raising. "So you gonna tell me what the hell I'm doing yet, or did you forget?"

You had opened your mouth, ready to tell him exactly what you had started to plan out with Yaoyorozu, but paused as someone's loud footsteps came towards the table the both of you sat at.

The teacher with bright blonde hair and a pair of shades despite being in a dimmed library made his way to you both. A set of papers in his hands as he paused in front of Bakugou more than you.

"Yo! Bakugou!" Yamada-sensei spoke loudly, the sounds of shushes coming right afterward. "I went over your rough draft for your final project..."

The loud teacher seemed a bit embarrassed now, seeing as some of his own students had silenced him for his boisterous and rude behavior in a place that was supposed to be used for silence to help concentration.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now