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Ch.39 - Waldosia

The temperature had dropped significantly since Christmas, making any sort of breath that left you look as if you were smoking. The thick whiteness of your breath making it hard to see at times as you tried to get warm while sitting on a bench in the downtown area. Your nose was red and full of sniffles and your ears were cold and beginning to lose feeling.

The people who passed by you were dressed much warmer than you, but you couldn't help but want to crack out the attire you had bought as a Christmas gift to yourself for this night. The yukata you had one was filled with numerous blues and purples, offset by the white and yellow dots that filled it, even with some pink thrown in. And all tied together with matching images of flowers, lanterns, and more starry scenes. You had known when you saw the galaxy yukata in the window as you walked by on the day after Christmas that you had to buy it.

And thus with one fitting session later and your credit card scanned, you had bought it and knew your parents would not ask questions. The shop would come up as a clothing store, and seeing how you rarely shopped, neither would even ask what you had bought. Only assuming you needed something new because your old had worn down or become frayed.

You couldn't believe you had actually bought something for yourself though. Seeing as you usually never did, aside from a sweet treat or two every week. But now with this pricey, but adorable yukata adorned on your body and the stars above only being a single tier above how gorgeous this fabric was you were content with your purchase.

Only wishing you had known how thin the fabric was, as currently, you were freezing from sitting here and waiting for your companions to show up. It had been the day before the winter holiday had started that you all promised to meet up and spend New Year's Eve together.

Seeing how you had never spent a New Years at a shrine or with friends, you showed up forty-five minutes early, too excited to wait indoors at your apartment and thus had arrived here and stood and then sat in the cold until you were sure they were turning blue. But you couldn't help it. Today was better than Christmas and you couldn't wait to see all your friends again, enjoy the night, and hear of how their own holidays went.

"(Last Name)?" Someone spoke, and you turned to see a set of familiar faces coming through the light crowd.

You waved slightly to the girl with the dyed pink hair and her male companion with his own dyed red locks. Both coming over to you quickly and looking glad to be away from the crowds.

Kirishima was dressed as he usually did, the 'walking fashion disaster' as Bakugou had called him once. This time wearing an animal print long sleeved shirt with a tye dye color scheme and a jean jacket with some image of an animal on the back. It was too faded for you to tell. His pants were at least a thick black winter pair. And his usually spiked hair was for once down and instead covered by a fuzzy winter hat. It seemed you were not the only one who looked different tonight.

Mina looked a lot closer to her usual hairstyle, the only major difference being a magenta ribbon tied in it. She had opted to wear a yukata as well, this one having various shades of pink in it along with white and tan flowers. The pink starting out a light baby color at the top and then gradually descending into a hot pink near the button. She looked cute.

"You look really pretty!" Mina cried, throwing her arms around you and hugging you. "How was your Christmas? Mine was great! Okinawa is sooooo pretty at Christmas!"

You laughed, giving the girl a hug back. "I'm glad to hear you had a good time. And mine was fine, got to spend some quiet time at home and practice the routines more. I think I nearly have my solo part down for-"

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now