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Ch.35 - Antematter

"H-hey, Gou-kun?" You hovered near his desk as study hall had started to begin.

Seeing how everyone was trying to get into groups and talking loudly, you thought now would be the best time to ask him, so no one else would overhear. The male you were talking to looked towards you, raising a brow at you as he got out the homework from Yamada-sensei on translating foods into English.

"What?" He spoke, opening the textbook up to the list of translations.

"I um... have that final doctor's appointment today... and well... I was hoping that you might come with me again?" You shuffled back and forth a little awkwardly. "I-I know it's last minute... but I really don't think I can go alone... seeing as if I messed up my ankle this week it means I ruined things for everyone and-"

"Stop your yapping already, woman!" Bakugou rose his voice slightly. "Hell... you're a bunch of nerves huh? But fine... I'll go with you."

Your eyes lit up and you flashed him a smile. "Really?! Oh, thank you so much, Gou-kun! I'll let you study now! See you after classes!"

As you went off to study with Ponytail, the male sighed. How and when did he become such a soft person when it came to you? Well, it didn't matter... so long as that happiness stayed on your person, he couldn't care.


"It should be less than twenty minutes." You told him as you both exited the elevators and went towards the room the nurse below had told you to go to. "Just a check up and doctor's approval to dance again!"

"Yeah yeah." Bakugou huffed, eyes glancing towards the vending machines as he passed them.

At the end of the hallway was your patient room, and with a quick opening of the door, both you and Bakugou entered. Though it appeared you had not been the first ones to enter, and soon enough, a feeling returned that you hadn't felt in nearly a year.

"At least I make the time to actually go and check in on her in person!" A man dressed in business attire spoke, sitting in one of the two chairs in the room.

"I talked to her myself and she said she was fine with me not coming." A woman in a fancy looking pink dress with white heels spoke, raising her nose to the man. "Unlike you, my daughter understands my career and knows how difficult it can be to get time off."

"Understands your career cause you forced her into it!" The man yelled back. "If it had been my decision... or at least joint decision, I would have made sure my daughter got to choose whatever she wanted and not go into some stupid old age dance cause her egotistical mother is trying to find some way to live through her!"

You bit your lip, Bakugou taking notice right away of the tense atmosphere and the words being exchanged. He also was fairly quick in the up draw... and could only guess that these were your infamous parents.

Your parents blinked back to reality as you shut the door rather loudly. Your mother and father looking at you and the boy next to you with surprised expressions.

"Oh! Honey!" Your mother rose to her feet and then came towards you with a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to walk into that... but, your father seems to think once more he's the better parent."

"I don't think so." You father began, standing up and coming towards you, impatiently waiting to embrace you, as your mother took her time. "I'm sure (Name) knows well from who actually showed up to visit her before surgery."

Before another argument could break out, your father turned towards the ash blonde male next to you. He rose a hand, asking for Bakugou to shake it. Bakugou stared at it a moment, then shook the man's hand. The ash blonde making sure to give him a rather hard handshake, but not enough for any ideas of malice to come from it.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now