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Ch.3- Espy

You didn't know what made you decide to take every longer path to your home. Maybe it was the stress of realizing you were pretty much screwed for your final. Honestly... didn't Aizawa realize the only person you talked to was your music partner?

And even then, you only really spoke to Yaoyorozu when you needed to. The tall female trying to invite you out often, but even she and her kind offers were not enough to break you out of your shell. You did things better on your own... Aizawa should have realized that.

Forcing you to do some assignment that he should have known would lead to your own unhappiness and him having to fail you, in the end, seemed a bit cruel to you. But, what were you supposed to say? Tell the man you refused to do it and you'd just do another solo performance?

He had already told you that your last examination was nearly perfect... but maybe if you switched dances he'd change his mind? No... this was UA's infamous Aizawa-sensei... the only thing he'd change was your status as a student to one of expulsion.

You bit your lip, wishing you could speak your mind more. But then again, from what you had always seen... always saying what you felt and actioning upon it, didn't bring anyone any happiness either.

You turned another corner, the opposite direction of where you should be going. Your mind wandering as aimlessly as your legs. But now, seeing a small park near the river, you thought it was about time to maybe focus on the sky and how it was beginning to change into pinks and oranges.

A vending machine was near the exit of the street, and across was the riverside park walkway. Feeling the loose change in your pocket, you inserted a few of the coins into the machine and pressed the bottom of the desired drink.

You popped open the can as the little white man appeared on the street light. Your feet carrying you across the pavement and towards the cement pathway surrounded by grass. The once vibrant blades now started to bend downwards as summer was ending and fall beginning. Soon enough, they would be coated with snow and waiting for spring.

Not many people were out currently. Only a few adults making their way home, and then the occasional couples who were locked in loving embraces. You kept your head down, not wanting to make eye contact with strangers who seemed involved in some fantasy, causing them to be unaware of the world around them.

Your lips pressed against the cool metal of the can, absentmindedly watching the water. The sparking cool blue beginning to look dim and mysterious. You wondered further down the path, seeing as it would be dark soon, so you might actually start heading home.

You spotted a bridge over the water, one that was leading in the direction you'd need to take to get home. And so, you broke off from the main path and started to take a small one to the bridge.

A light breeze lifted through your hair and you shivered slightly. It was definitely going to be time to switch into your winter uniform soon. The long sleeves and sweaters making you feel an ounce of excitement and happiness, as you enjoyed the feeling of soft fabric hugging your skin.

Your drink was now finished, and to your luck, a trash can was near. You paused a moment, squeezing the can slowly. Your mind going over the pros and cons of what would happen if you attempted to throw the aluminum object into the large metal cylinder that it was meant to go into.

Deciding that things could not get any worse than they already had today, you took in a sharp breath. Your muscles relaxed as you shot your arms upwards and used your hands to throw the can into the air.

You held your breath as the object soared through the September air and towards the trash can. Your eyes of (eye color) glued to the trash can as the can hit it. The can bounced once, heading towards the hole. The air inside of you at its peak as you hoped to have scored this small goal.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now