Deep Cut

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Ch.18 - Deep Cut

"That math lesson was the worst..." The straw blonde groaned as he walked out of class.

"Everyone seemed to know the answer this time aside from you." Sero snickered, knowing usually Kaminari was better at math than other subjects.

"Ugh... Bakugou's every other day... lessons... are really starting to wear me down, plus with my own dance stuff. Man, I'm tired." Kaminari yawned, the new terminology for what the crew did after classes still being worked out. So for now... the excuse was Bakugou was tutoring them. "Plus, I couldn't concentrate cause Ashido kept looking at me!"

Kaminari pointed towards the female as the group of four walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. Having expected a response right away, Kaminari and Sero grew concerned when Mina didn't answer them. Instead seeming to be on autopilot while she walked. Or at least until she collided into Kirishima who stopped as they neared the already crowded cafeteria.

"Awe!" Ashido cried. "Sorry Kiri..."

Sero and Kaminari ran off to get a table as the red haired male and the secret pink haired one talked. Kirishima looking at Ashido with worry.

"You okay...?"

Ashido's eyes caught onto you and Yaoyorozu making your way past them and heading to the lunch line. Kirishima knew instantly that it wasn't Kaminari Ashido had been looking at with an intrigued look today... but instead their ballet peer.

Gently, he nudged Ashido to follow him since the pair had brought lunches from home like Sero and Kaminari. Plus, the two had already gotten a table and Kirishima wanted to sit and join them while they were allowed to do so during their lunch hour.

"She's been different today." Ashido stated as your figure and Yao-Momo's entered the line.

"You noticed it too?" Kirishima spoke, sitting down at the lunch table that Kaminari and Sero had saved for them.

"Hmm... she seems much more talkative with Yao-Momo today." Ashido pointed out, having heard you and Yaoyorozu actually made concrete plans for tea after school today.

"I wonder if its 'cause Bakugou finally realized he's got a crush on her and actually made a move after we left-"

Kaminari jumped as Bakugou slammed down his tray of food, a sneer on his features. Everyone was silent, hoping the teen hadn't heard Kaminari.

"What's wrong, Bakugou?" Sero gulped, sensing impending doom.

"Fucking out of pepper flakes..." He growled, slamming himself into his seat. "Lunch already fucking sucks..."

Crisis averted it seemed.

"Either way-" Kirishima started as he unwrapped his meaty lunch, made by his sister once more. "I'm glad she's doing well and is in a great mood today!"

Everyone seemed to agree, happy to see you happy.

"Is there room for one more?" The arrival of your voice seemed to spook the teens who had just been talking about you.

"(Last Name)!?" Kaminari shouted with a hand clenched to his chest, seeing you standing there with a bento box wrapped in a cute little handkerchief.

"Yes?" You blinked, seeing as the electric blonde had greeted you unexpectedly. "If there isn't... I can go sit at the table over there."

You had assumed that Kaminari shouting and giving off a startled look meant that he, and by extension, everyone else, didn't wish for your company at their lunch table. And so, with a mild look of sadness in your eyes, you looked toward an empty table out of earshot of their table. Your finger pointing to it, a certain female hiding her pink hair noticing and immediately overreacting.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now