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Ch.28 - Moriturism

"I hope she'll like these..." Ashido muttered, rearranging the bouquet again.

"She'll love it, Ashido! So relax!" Kaminari spoke, annoyed as this was the fourth time Ashido had asked about the flowers.

Ashido puffed out her cheeks, pink hair bouncing as she bumped into Kaminari and shutting him up as well.

"Careful with the flowers... don't go ruining them before we even have a chance to give them to her!" Sero warned, Kaminari and Ashido blinking in realization and nodding.

As the group of four approached the local hospital, making sure to be quiet and polite as there would be plenty of sick people present and in need of respectful attitudes, the doors to the facility opened up and a familiar figure was exiting.

"Yaoyorozu!" Kirishima held up a hand, the tall girl smiling at her classmates as she approached.

"Kirishima-san... and the usual bunch as well it appears." She greeted. "Glad to see (Last Name)-san will have a bit more company today."

"How is she?" Ashido asked, not even attempting to hide her worry.

Yaoyorozu giggled. "She's doing fine... but... it's obvious she's worried for tomorrow. Though, I'm sure you all will be able to bring her some comfort."

"Did she get all the work from today?" Sero asked, seeing Yaoyorozu nod.

"Yes, I dropped it off and we actually did the homework for today together already."

"Oh man..." Kaminari whined. "I'm jealous... wish I could have you as my study buddy."

"Perhaps next time, Kaminari-san." Yaoyorozu lightly patted his shoulder. "But now I should get going... mother is having guests tonight and she wishes for me to make an appearance so she may brag."

Yaoyorozu looked a bit tired about this statement but soon was back to smiling and waved her classmates a goodbye. And now with her parting words and good spirits, it only made the other teens feel ready to see you and make you smile.

Soon enough they were inside the hospital themselves. Kirishima and Sero approaching reception and asking for the room you were in. The nurse at the front pointing towards an elevator and then was thanked by the pair of boys.

Ashido was messing with the flowers again, seeing as she wanted them to look perfect for you. It was her way to wish you health for tomorrow after all, and Kaminari now was also helping make them look perfect.

"Fourth floor, room twenty-three." Sero told the other two as Kirishima pressed the elevator button.

Soon enough the group was exiting the lift and looking for the room where you would be staying. As they walked past the reception and waiting area on this floor, they passed by a gather disgruntled man.

"I told you... nothing today." He sterned into his cell phone. His foot tapping and his suit more expensive than a month's rent on a low budget apartment letting the teens know to not bother him. He seemed to be in a heated argument with whoever was on the other end of the line.

Soon though, they came to your room and looked inside. You were sat up in bed, looking through what appeared to be the notes from class today. Kaminari knocked softly and you turned to look towards the noise.

"Oh hi!" You greeted, waving them all in. "I'm so happy to see you all."

You were not lying, the way you put your things on the side and gave them your full attention was enough for them to see how bored and lonely you must have been today.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now