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Ch.15- Aimonomia

"You've been in a good mood lately." Momo muttered as she started to flip through your plans and jot down notes for her own creation of music that would fit alongside the movements you had planned down.

She passed you your rough draft back and nodded happily toward you. "And I think this looks good. I'll finish my own rough draft tonight and tomorrow let's turn in our pair of drafts. That way Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei both can grade them together."

You nodded to the female, though her initial statement was still what caught you off guard. Taking and placing your items into your bag, you looked at the girl with a curious expression.

"Have I been in a good mood?" You blinked. "And thank you... I can't wait to hear the first bits of the music when you start it."

Yaoyorozu nodded and started to pack up her own things as well. The creative session was always your last period of the day and seeing how class would be ending in another few minutes the pair of you were packing up.

"Yes. I can only assume your partner, who is still quite mysterious, must be exceeding your expectations."

You looked at her awkwardly. "I'm not sure I'd say that..." You chuckled, not quite sure how good of a ballet partner Bakugou was... as he had yet to prove his skills thanks to your time thus far being dedicated to learning what Ashido was teaching you.

"Well... it'll be soon that I meet him, right?" Yaoyorozu politely tried to see if the time would indeed come.

"Yes... I'd say once you have a hard copy of the music, and if I feel we're ready to actually dance to it... you'll meet him." You told her.

"Oh I look forward to it then." She clapped her hands together in a giddy fashion.

"I just hope we'll be able to impress you, Yaoyorozu." You chuckled, the black haired girl looking at you with a strange flare in her eyes.

She was quiet for a moment, seeming to let whatever it was sink in. You blinked at her, waving a hand in front of her face. Yaoyorozu came back to you and waved a hand at you to tell you she was fine.

Before you could ask what exactly had happened and why she suddenly had that shy grin on her features, the bell rang out. Immediately Yaoyorozu dismissed herself, saying how she had an errand to run for her mother and should be getting to it so she had time to study later.

You said your goodbye and started to pack up the remainder of your things as she happily walked off. Unbeknownst to you that the words that had set her off wasn't because of what you said... but rather what wasn't said.

"That's the first time she dropped the honorific." Yaoyorozu mumbled to herself, feeling absolutely excited and bouncy. "That's progress!"

A few seats away from you, a head of blonde hair had been watching and eavesdropping on you and Yao-Momo. A sly grin coming onto his face as he walked up next to the other blonde and the redhead who had been working on their own project.

"(Last Name) apparently has a partner for her final dance of the year... and it's a secret." Kaminari leaned down against the desk. "I wonder who her partner could be~"

Bakugou didn't bat an eye, instead giving Kirishima some final tips on what he wanted to do for his own project. Kaminari wasn't too terribly happy about this, seeing as while he wasn't going to tease the ash blonde about a possible crush on the ballerina... it was fair game on this matter.

"I bet whoever her partner is... he's gonna have to wear some tights." Kaminari went on, seeming to now have the attention of both Kirishima and Bakugou. "I mean... ballet dancers wear all those colorful and tight clothing... so I wouldn't be surprised if the person she's with is gonna have to wear a tight matching outfit. Would probably look really interesting, don't you think Kirishima?"

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now