The Bends

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Ch.25 - The Bends

He didn't come back this time.

Nor did you expect him to. That was then and this was now. Why would he return when it was a direct issue related to him this time? Bakugou was Bakugou and as much as you tried to tell yourself that he meant it by accident... the way he kissed you and the look on his face afterward made it clear.

He had indeed caught feelings for you and showed them to you by complete accident.

And that terrified you.

How long had he been seeing you that way? And how much longer would it take until he came to hate you? That's what feelings did. They were intense, passionate, and gave off the feeling of them never going to end.

But they always did. And much like your parents, the enchantment he felt to you one would day fade away when he saw what you were really truly like. And when that day came, he would break you and himself.

You had seen it with your parents. You had known enough about the actual truth of love to know that living happily was something that only occurred in fiction and fantasy. But this was real life. And feelings of infatuation were temporary.

Those who claimed to be in love were nothing more than fools tricking themselves into thinking they were. In reality, love is nothing more than tolerating a person enough to share finances, a home, and maybe a child with.

There was no healing kiss. No staring longingly into the eyes of each other. No 'me and you against the world'.

In this world, as you had learned, was only you... and the temporary arrival of those who would eventually leave. After UA... it was likely that you'd never see any of your classmates regularly again. They'd all become blurred memories, like the fondness Bakugou would soon feel pass.

Give him time, and he'd realize what his true goals and aspirations were once more.

And so, you lay awake that night, trying to erase the feeling of his lips and the swirling emotions he had created inside of you. Unaware that across the city, he was doing the same thing. And by morning, the two of you had unanimously decided separately to not bring it up or speak of it.

That decision also falling upon the both of you, and thus... things were different that Friday.

Ashido and Yaoyorozu had noticed it first. The pair of your not speaking to one another and even avoiding one another to some extent. By lunchtime, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari had realized it as well.

You sat with Yaoyorozu that day, not making any sort of conversation. Despite her asking you if you were okay and Ashido coming to sit by the two of you for the last half of lunch as well. You spoke of nothing, and for the most part said nothing, despite how your eyes were no longer partly cloudy but now heavy with rain clouds.

Kirishima attempted to ask Bakugou what had happened after they all left yesterday at lunch as well, but was greeted by him clicking his tongue and then stuffing his face more. Kaminari and Sero exchanging looks and then asking him again if something had happened.

"Nothing happened." Was his answer. "Nothing worth mentioning to you shits at least..."

And his answer stayed that way for the rest of lunch and then he refused to talk any more about it. It was clear he was angry, but at what or who... no one knew. And it was clear you were detaching your emotions again. As to why though... you wouldn't speak for most of the day.

But it was clear something did happen. Something between the both of you most likely. Though... neither of you would or were willing to speak on the matter.

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