Fata Organa

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Ch.36 - Fata Organa

It was endless again it seemed, the twilight having gone and left nothing but dark, cloudy skies, dropping specks of white down. The weather had made a drastic turn since that afternoon and now with the flurry of flakes coming down, the only thing you wished to do was watch them.

The storm outside had a much more elegant and calm feeling to it, unlike the yelling that was coming from the living room. You sighed, looking out at the streets that were now covered in white as if someone had taken a paintbrush to it and meticulously made sure no dark concrete was seen to those like yourself watching from so many stories above.

The sounds of slamming doors made you flinch and listen closely. You had blocked them both out since you had come home. Part of you happy to have your parents home for once, but another part of you hating it... especially since they both actually showed up to see if you could dance again.

Your father had made this plan since he came to visit you for your surgery and had booked his ticket in advance. Planning to stay with you and take you out to a big congratulations dinner when you were all healed.

But any and all chances of a happy time with your father were quickly cut short when you had gotten home yesterday to discover luggage from Moscow and your mother presenting you with an apology cake from that bakery she had always been fond of. You were polite and ate the treat with her, still not having the heart to tell her you didn't like the taste. Always too much buttercream... but your mother's happiness was rare when she was home and you wanted to keep it.

It had been a bit selfish to trick Bakugou into coming with you to the appointment today... but seeing how both had acted this morning when your father arrived before you left for school... you knew you couldn't sit in that patient room with them while they fought as if nothing else mattered.

And that hour Bakugou had been with you, for once you were able to get everything you were holding out of your system. But like everything you knew... he eventually had to go. This time because his train home was a different line then your own. And thus, with a reluctant nod toward him, he left.

And since then, you put up with the name-calling, the angry shouts, the passive-aggressive insults, and now... the slamming of doors in your home. It was Hell on Earth and you couldn't focus one bit. Homework left undone and text messages read but not answered, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything aside from staring out the window. Thinking of how... peaceful the falling snow was and trying to transport yourself mentally to a much more calm place.

As you listened to the strange silence that had suddenly taken over your home though, you knew something was up. And thus, worrying that something bad may have happened, you rose from your seat at the window sill and made your way towards your door.

When you opened it, you saw the living room was empty once more. Soon enough though, you could see your mother coming from her room and dragging her luggage with her. She paused before you, coming close and kissing your cheeks before she spoke to you.

"Mother... where are you going?" You asked her, seeing her eyes fall.

"I'm sorry, darling." She spoke to you, putting on her thick winter jacket. "But this place reeks too much of your father."

She moved past you and pressed the elevator door. You blinked coming towards her and stopping behind her as she waited for the elevator that had started to come up from the ground floor.

"You're leaving then?" You spoke softly.

"Yes." She responded. "I was only able to stay for two days after all... so I'll stay at a nice hotel tonight and be back in Moscow by morning."

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now