Birthday (Tim Drake)

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Y/N~ Your Name

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Your P.O.V.

I woke up to  the alarm I set on my phone. Today's Tim's birthday and I'm not missing a minute of it! Tim and me have been friends for a while and a few months ago we started dating. Since we've been friends for years I'm really close with his family, I even know the family secret.

I roll out of bed and crawl over to my closet. I look through my cloths till I find what I'm looking for. I pull the shirt I was looking for off the hanger and switch it with my pj shirt. The shirt is a tank top with three layers each in a different shade of blue. I pair it with some jean shorts and slip on my favorite pair of flip-flops. I quickly brush my hair before jumping down the stairs. "Morning Bobo!" I say to my older brother who's sitting at the table.

"Morning." He says back. I grab a yogurt and climb back up stairs. About a week ago I found the cutest little gift for Tim. It's a cute white box full of coffee related things. When I saw it I know HE would love it! I grab it out of my closet and wrap it will eating my food. When I'm done I head out towards the Manor.

"Bye!" I yell over my shoulder.

"Have fun!" Bobo yells back.

*Time Skip*

I run up the few stairs of the manor and burst through the door without knocking. "Boys!" I yell through the house.

I hear it echo and wait for someone to respond. "In the kitchen!" I hear them shout back. I slip off my shoes and run through the house till I get to the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" I say sliding into the room. I set down Tim's present on the table and take a seat at the island, with the other three teens in the room.

"What's that?" Jason says, reaching for the box.

I slap his hand away and scowled him. "It's not for you!" He pulls his hand back and fake pouts. "Where's the birthday boy?" I ask Alfred cheerfully.

"Asleep last I know Miss. Y/N." He answers with his thick British accent.

"Thanks!" I say hopping off my stole. I get to the door and turn around, remembering Tim's gift. I grab it and shot Jason a glare. "I don't trust you!" I say before racing up to Tim's room. I stop outside his door and knock, remembering my manners. I wait a few minutes and when I don't get an answer I walk in. The room is pitch dark and I can't see anything. I walk around carefully and end up bumping into his desk. Carefully I set down his present and glide my hands across the wall till I get to his windows. I pull the shades open and bright light from the sun shines into the room. I hear Tim shuffle under his blanks but he doesn't get up. "Tim..." I whisper out sweetly. "Tim..." I try again. He doesn't answer again so I try something else. "TIM!" I yell jumping on top of him.

I hear a "Hmp..." from him as I land. When I land he wraps his arms around my waist to keep me from falling off the bed.

"Good morning birthday boy!" I chirp sitting on his lap.

"No mornings!" He says rolling over. Now I'm under him with him laying on top of me. Half the blankets hang off the bed as the other half is wrapped around us. He nuzzles his face in my neck to hide from the sunlight.

His messy hair tickles me and I let out a few giggles. "Stop! Your hair tickles!" I say messing around with it.

"Good..." He mumbles against my neck. He litters my neck with soft butterfly kisses and I giggle even more. My laughter causes him to smile and I can feel it in the kisses he gives me. He moves farther down my neck as I let out another string of giggles and small moans.

"Get up Timmy!" I say smiling.

"No! I want to stay here all day!" He fights me, equally happy. I blush at what he's intending with that comment. He must feel my face heat up because he laughs some himself  before nibbling on my collar bone. I blush a deeper red till I remember why I came up here.

"But it's your birthday!" I try to us against him.

"It's not my birthday..." He says moving around so I can look into his big blue eyes.

"It's definitely your birthday!' I tell him, messing around with his hair again.

"Give me a calendar! It's not and I'll-" I hand him my phone and he looks at the date. "Oh.... Never mind!  Happy birthday to me!" He says smiling. Only Tim! Only Tim Drake would forget his own birthday.............

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