Attention (Damian Wayne)

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Y/N~Your Name

Requested By~ None

Note~ There's a little cursing so...... omg! It's the end of the world! Right? (Jk! Jk! I know none of you guys are uptight)

Your P.O.V.

"Damian!" I yell, running into the manor happily like always.

"Hello Beloved" He says back in his proper way. I stop in front of him and hug him tightly.

"How nice of you! You say hi to your boyfriend before your own brother!" Tim says jokingly.

"Since when would you rather spend time with your sister instead of your girlfriend?" I joke back. I pull away from my one sided hug and tackle Tim into one instead. He hugs me back and plants a brotherly kiss on my cheek.

"I got to go! Steph wants to hang out!" He says pulling away and grabbing his keys.

"MAKE SURE YOU USE PROTECTION!" I shout as he walks out the door.

"OF COURSE! SAME FOR YOU!" He screams back. I laugh before turning towards Damian again.

"TT! You act like such a child Drake!" He says.

"I know!" I answer back. Dami moves closer and hugs me. I hug him back and mess with his messy black hair.

"I love you, Y/N" He says before pulling me in for a kiss.

"I love you too!" I say once we separate. "But would it kill you to at least hug me back when people are around?" I add on.

"Yes, yes it would!" He joked around with me.

"At this rate I'm starting to believe you!" I say back annoyed before walking away.

*Time Skip*

The past two weeks have been overly annoying. Damian refuses to have any physical contact with me! He won't even hold my head if someone else is around! For the past two weeks everyone's been around!

But at the moment Jason, Damian and me are all watching a movie. Jason lazily stretches out on an arm chair as Dami and me take up the couch. Like always Damian is as far away from me as possible. If you didn't know any better, you'd think we hate each other!

The need for any kind of attention finally gets to me as I slowly scoot closer to him. Soon enough I'm right next to him. Carefully I start leaning against him. A few minutes later I lean my head on his shoulder. Finally I wrap my arms around him and he stiffens. "What are you doing?" He hisses quietly so Jason doesn't hear him.

"One sides cuddling." I answer bluntly.

"TT!" He says annoyed with me but he doesn't move away, cause he can't, and he doesn't push me off of him.

A little while later we're still in the same position and it annoys me even more. "Why won't you cuddle me back?!" I whisper to him. We diffidently don't need Jason involved with our relationship problems!

"Because Todd's here." He answers back.

"So?!" I ask even more annoyed but still quite. He doesn't answer me which annoys me even more. Deciding to show him how annoyed I am, I start poking him.

Finally it annoys him and he shouts at me. "STOP!" Him yelling gets Jason's attention.

"I'm not going to stop till you give me some attention!" I yell back.

"I don't have to show you any attention!" He fights me.

"And I don't have to be your girlfriend!" I bite back.

"Just fucking cuddle her before you lose the only thing in this house that loves you!" Jason butts in.

"FINE!" Damian grumbles out. He wraps me in his arms and I snuggle into his side. A smile I plastered on my face in victory as all my anger and annoyance is forgotten.

*Time Skip*

The movie ends and I go to change out the movies. But Dami holds me in place. "TODD! Hurry up and change the movie!" Damian says in his normally annoyed voice.

"Of course! Right away your shitness!" Jason buckets back but gets up anyway.

Your P.O.V.

The end credits for our movie rolls by on the screen. Earlier in the movie, Y/N forced me to cuddle with her. Being honest, I like cuddling. Having her wrapped up in my arms protectively gives me a happy feeling. She starts to get up but I don't allow it. Sitting with her makes me too happy. "TODD!" I yell as Y/N sits back down. "Hurry up and change the movie!" I command him.

"Of course! Right away your shitness!" He says back as he grumbly goes and picks another one out. The sound of my Beloved's laughs fill my ears as she gets comfy again. A small smile pulls at my lips at her laughing as we all settle back into place before the next movie.

*Time Skip*

"Dinner time!" Alfred says from the door way as another movie ends. We all walk into the dinning room to see Greyson, Drake and Father already seated in their spots. Walking up to Y/N's chair, I pull it out for her. She looks at me weirdly but sits down none the less. I push it in for her before placing a kiss an her cheek.

When I pull away, her hand shoots up to the spot my lips where just a minute ago. She looks at me shocked like everyone else. Brushing it off I sit in my chair next to her. I lace my fingers with her causing even more questionable looks from her. She keeps glancing between me and our hands as Alfred passes out the plates. "Beloved, this isn't the first time we've held hands." I remind her quietly as I rub circles on her hands with my thumb.

"I... I know! It's just..... strange....." She slowly words together just as quite as me.

"Why's it strange?" I ask, glancing around to see f anyone has heard us. It doesn't seem like anyone has. Alfred continues passing out dinner as Jason and Tim fight like always. Greyson and Father seem to be talking about work, not noticing our little conversation.

"Cause you don't ever show any kind of affection if someone else is around. Unless I make you like I'd did for the movies. This is especially true for our family...." she murmurs out as she picks up her fork. I take in what she said as she eats.

Thinking over it, I realize she's right. For the past year I can't think of one time I've given her attention without her asking, and sometimes crying for it. Not once have I even held her hand in front of..... ANYONE but us! There's even stuff running around on the internet saying we're only together cause Father has forced us to be!

"Well.... I guess I'll have to change that!" I tell her with a smile. She looks at me s little weirded out and confused as I start eating too.

*Time Skip*

Your P.O.V.

For the past three months Damian has been doing the most random things. He's been way more lovey then he has ever been. From randomly kissing me to cuddling me every family night! He just doesn't seem to care anymore! Not that I'm complaining about it or anything. It's just weird for him to be like this. A few weeks ago he did say he'd try better to show me more attention. But I just figured that meant more date nights or something. I was wrong.......

Carefully I walk down stairs balancing a drinks for the guys. Bruce is chasing a lead on Bane and put the boys to work. All of them, besides Jason work on their computers trying to find another lead on him. "Beer for Jason, Black for Tim, cappuccino for Dick and a frappe fro Dami!" I say, passing them out to everyone. I turn to join Jason on the couch when Damian pulls me down on to his lap.

He turns me so I'm facing him before he slams his lips on mine. I kiss back happily. He pinches my sides, making me open my mouth in surprise. Well my mouth is open he slips his tongue in. He happily slides it over mine before he starts to suck on my tongue. Soon we both need air causing us to pull back. My face heats up with a blush. "Damian!" I hiss out as I bury my face in his shirt.

"Yes, Beloved?" He questions with joy dripping from his words. He happily turns back to his work with me still on his lap.

"Why'd you do that?" I question him as Jason laughs at us. "Now everyone is staring!" I yell at him as I glance around at the other boys in the room.

"It was a 'thank you' gift! Did you not like it?" He asks back, still typing.

"I didn't say that" I murmur as I hide my face again.

"I swear to god Wayne! If you're trying to fuck my sister, I'm going to kill you!" Tim yells, obviously sending a glare Damian's way.

"Calm down Drake! I'm not trying to sleep with her! I'm simply showing her the attention she deserves." He properly states, making me blush a dark shade of red. Slipping off his lap, I join Jason on the couch, for real this time. "Plus..." Damian starts off again. "I don't have to try and fuck your sister if I already am!" He cockily says. My face turns fifty shades of red (Haha! I'm so funny!) at what Damian said.

"DAMIAN!" I hiss out again, but this time way madder then before.

Tim's clenching his fists in anger. "You little shit!" He yells getting up and heading for Damian. Swiftly, Damian gets up too and starts running away from him.

"The Demon Spawn can get laid before you can!" Jason yells after Tim as he laughs.

"Way to go Little D!" Dick says as they past by him. I can get use to all the new attention! Tim on the other hand.... probably can't!

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