First Time (Garfield Logan) ~Lemon

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Y/N~ Your Name

H/N~ Hero Name

N/N~ Nick Name

Requested By~ @terralupa

Notes~ So lemon, obviously and this is your guys first time so...... yep

Gar's P.O.V.

Recently I've been horny. Straight up horny. Plus it doesn't help how my girlfriend struts her stuff. I highly doubt Y/N's been doing it on purpose but still! The way her hips sway with her hair as she walks...... yum! My thoughts continue to be filled with Y/N till the computer goes off. "H/N B-0023!" It says. My face heats up as I'm filled with guilt of all the naughty thoughts I've had of her.

"Hey babe!" She says walking in and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"He..... hey!" I stutter back. She looks at me weird but blows it off. Thank god! I think to myself as she walks away without questioning me. "Conner?!" I ask getting up and walking down the hall.

"Ya?!" He calls from the garage.

"Can we talk?" I ask, standing in the door way.

"Sure bud." He says, not looking up from his bike. "Everything okay?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Umm.... ya..... no.... I don't know!" I say plopping down on an old tire.

"Okay?" He asks as the his hands still work away on the machine in front of him.

My face reddens as I think about what I want to ask him. I nervously mess with my hands before I start talking. "Umm.... soooo..... you know how.... how Y/N and me have been dating?" I ask and he nods his head in agreement. "Umm.... so.... ah.... recent..... recently I've been having.... having these feelings? I guess.... or like argues or something....." I nervously continue.

Conner drops his ranch as he slowly turns towards me. "What kind of 'argues'?" He asks me carefully.

"Like.... like..... I don't know! I just always want to touch her and kiss her and see her..... see her umm..... ya......" I tell him.

His face fills with relief as he starts talking. "Thank god! I thought you were going to say you're gay! Not that there's anything wrong with being gay!" He says.

I shake my head smiling. "No! I'm straight!" I say with a small laugh.

"But anyway...." he starts, going back to work. "It just means you want to have sex with her. All guys think like that sooner or later about a girl. And to be honest she might be thinking the same way about you." He says casually.

"Really?" I asks surprised.

"Maybe..... but she might not want to do anything like that yet and if that's a cause wait till she's ready. It's not right to pressure a girl - or anyone - into doing stuff like this." He warns me.

"I wouldn't ever do that to Y/N! I love her too much!" I say smiling at the thought of the love of my life.

"Does she know that?" He asks with a side glance.

"I hope so! I tell her I love her at least a few times a day. She needs to know I love her! But what do I do about..... umm.... my thoughts?" I ask him.

He thinks over this for a while till he gets an answer. "Well..... you should talk to her about your..... 'argues' and then if she's ready too I guess I can help with that...." he stops working and looks at me directly with a warning look. "If and I mean IF she's ready I'll try and get everyone out of the mountain for the day. But you guys better be careful! I don't need Tim on me for letting you sleep with his sister! And you better us protection! Got it?!" He asks.

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