Jungkook (BTS)

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   This year you were lucky enough to earn enough money to buy tickets to kcon for you and your friend. You weren't too sure as to what would happen but you were excited nonetheless. You knew of a couple of the groups performing but you really only cared about Seventeen and BTS.

   The tickets you bought included a chance for hi-touch passes but you knew that the likelihood of you both getting passes was not high. Despite that fact, both you and your friend tried to get passes for BTS.

"Y/N! You got the passes! You get to touch them!" You best friend, Avia, fangirled. That was the main difference between you and Avia. You mostly fangirled internally and got really awkward. Avia tended to yell and get emotional about her favorites.

"Wait seriously? What am I supposed to say? I'm gonna be all alone. Oh my god I can't do this." You were mentally freaking out. You never thought you'd be able to meet them. You didn't know what to do with yourself and started pacing around your hotel room.

"Y/N stop. You are going to be fine. Like the worse that could happen is you tell them they're hot and get really embarrassed." Avia tried to comfort you but it didn't really help. You had social anxiety and being around a bunch of attractive guys was not gonna help that.

"Come on let's just get ready and head over to the convention center." You told Avia. Since you didn't have parents around, you were told to look over her since you were two years older than her. She rolled her eyes at you and you both got dressed shortly and headed over to the convention.


   Once we were inside we began walking around the convention. We had planned on meeting some people we had met over Tumblr due to our mutual love for Kpop. We found where we were all meeting and waited for people to show up. We found a table and I sat down while Avia tried to find our friends. After a couple minutes of scrolling through Twitter, I felt a presence to my left and looked up. I was greeted by a guy in a black mask who was staring at me.

   "Uhm hi? Can I help you or do you just want to continue staring at me?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

   I couldn't see his mouth but I could tell he was smiling because his eyes creased. "Hi. What's your name?" He said with a slight accent that made it obvious English was not his first language.

   "Well my name is Y/N. And who might you be?" I asked in a questioning manor. Right after I said that I heard someone yell my name and I looked over my shoulder to see Avia running to me. I tried saying goodby to the guy I was talking to but he disappeared. Strange. I'll figure out who that was later hopefully. Either way now I can enjoy meeting some amazing people and making amazing memories.


   "Okay now Y/N remember: record their faces not the floor, don't stare at the floor, smile and you'll be fine. They don't bite. Hopefully." After she said that I glared at her.

   "Ok ya little brat go sit somewhere I'll find you later." I swatted the back of her head and walked towards where the hi-touch was being held. To say I was nervous would be an extreme understatement. I was terrified to meet these people. I idolized them, what if they weren't like I thought they would be? What if they insult me, what if I accidentally insulted them? I snapped out of my thoughts when one of the security ushered me forward.

   There they were, sitting behind a table starting at the oldest and ending at the youngest. It just became very real for me. Once I was close enough I opened up the camera on my phone and began recording.

   First was Jin, who was very sweet. I quietly said hi to him and since there was a slight pause he said "Hey we only bite food, you're fine." And he gave me a kind smile and held my hand for a second. I said thank you and told him that he's a pretty pretty princess which made him laugh and went forward to Suga.

   "Hi you're a genius" I blurted out quickly. I gave him a high five and he laughed with me. I told J-Hope that he's an amazing dancer and positively adorable. I gave him a high five as well. At this point, no one had been stopped again so you had to talk fast.

   Next was Namjoon. I told him that he's a great leader and extremely smart. We high-fived and smiled at each other. It was simple but I appreciated it. So far I was proud of myself I hadn't stumbled over my words yet. However that record probably won't last much longer.

   When I looked at Jimin I giggled like a small child. He looked so adorable because he was smiling so much and his eyes were basically gone.

   "Jimin you are so cute and I love you." I said with a slight chuckle. I gave his hand a slight squeeze with a big smile of my face. He also was smiling and laughed as well. Now is the tough part, V and Jungkook aka my two favorite.

   V looked up at me and put on a huge goofy grin. "Hi!" He said like an excited child which made me laugh and my nerves melted away. "Hi V I love you so much and you're smile lights up my day." I gave him a high five and move over to Jungkook.

   As I looked over at his face I noticed he had a big smile on his face and had a firm hold on my hand. When I noticed our hands my face heated up and I magically became a tomato.

   "Y/N right? I was that weirdo sitting next to you." I was so shocked. My eyes almost fell out they got so big. I noticed the security guard getting annoyed because we were holding up the line. "Oh wow that's.... Weird? Well uhm I love you and you're hot." I slapped my hand over my mouth. He simply smiled and slide something in my hand. The security guard ushered me out of the building and I went to find Avia.


   "Oh my god you actually said that. Wow. He'll definitely remember that. And he held your hand for so long. You are so lucky. Uh Y/N why are you still gripping your hand?" When she said that I remember the paper in my hand. I opened the paper and saw a number. Quickly I grabbed my phone and typed in the number and sent a quick message asking who this was.

   Not long after a got a message simply saying "That one Asian guy you think is hot. Hi Y/N" I threw my phone on the floor and freaked out. A second later another message popped up. "Btw you're really cute. Come backstage after we perform so we can hang out okay? <3" I probably could die right now and be okay with that.

   "This is probably the strangest day of my life but I'll be there." I smiled to myself. This is amazing and this is only the beginning.

Why is this so long I need to stop. I'm sorry if it's terrible I'm not the best writer but I try. Here's more Jungkook to make up for it.

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